Windows 7 Fix punkbuster kick?

yea i have been playing cod 4 and bf2 successfully for the last 2 weeks. i noticed a .dat file in pb folder fri morning after the last pb update, then next day it went.

it is great atlast to be able to play on win 7.
loving win 7atm :)

Shhhh, don't tell anyone. It's a secret.;)

I've got BF2142 working without any errors or kicks from PunkBuster. I've been playing for a week now without any problems. This solution has worked for me and two others that I know of and it's quick and simple:

1.Install game.
2. Set shortcut (if that's what you use to initialize the game) to compatibility mode.
3. Uninstall PB services.
4. Delete PB folder from Programs/BF2142 files.
5. Download and install PB services.exe-to reinstall PB.
6. Go to -RUN-Services-then find PB A and B and set both to run in compatibility mode.

That's it. The only other thing I did was to make sure my software firewall was was set to allow PB A and B to run without interference.

I've got BF2142 working without any errors or kicks from PunkBuster. I've been playing for a week now without any problems. This solution has worked for me and two others that I know of and it's quick and simple:

1.Install game.
2. Set shortcut (if that's what you use to initialize the game) to compatibility mode.
3. Uninstall PB services.
4. Delete PB folder from Programs/BF2142 files.
5. Download and install PB services.exe-to reinstall PB.
6. Go to -RUN-Services-then find PB A and B and set both to run in compatibility mode.

That's it. The only other thing I did was to make sure my software firewall was was set to allow PB A and B to run without interference.
dude all you have to do is update Punkbuster........... it works now! heck yea!

Yeah, I did nothing special. Just manually updated pb.

WTF I just updated punk buster like the rest of you did to verison 3.4 and I keep getting kicked after 3-4 minutes with an error that states
RESTRICTIONS: Disallowed Program/Driver[120106]

Like wtf this is soo frustrating, I just want to play COD4 :frown: Help!!!

Apparently this problem is solved with 7127 release.. anyone confirm this?


Apparently this problem is solved with 7127 release.. anyone confirm this?

it is not which version of win 7 that was the problem. it is the fact that Punkbuster fixed the windows 7 incompatiablity issue! they udated pb so all win 7 users can play with out being kicked.

WTF I just updated punk buster like the rest of you did to verison 3.4 and I keep getting kicked after 3-4 minutes with an error that states
RESTRICTIONS: Disallowed Program/Driver[120106]

Like wtf this is soo frustrating, I just want to play COD4 :frown: Help!!!

I've gotten that error in windows XP a couple times, and seen others get kicked for it. I'm not sure what the issue is though. It hasn't happened to me on win7 yet (knock on wood).

edit: I did a quick google search on the issue and found that some programs may cause this. The one I saw on pbbans forum is AVG, which makes sense for me since I use it on XP and not on 7.

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Sweet as , ill just update my PB and i should be all gud :P


I'm sure it's some program running in the background causing a false positive. Maybe try shutting down different programs like your antivirus, or other stuff running in the background one at a time.

I managed to get Punkbuster to run fine (on Windows 7 Home Premium) by taking a few simple steps..

1. Set the program to always run as Admin (in my case Battlefield 2142)
2. Download and install the Punkbuster Setup utility from the Punkbuster site, run and add the appropriate games, then check for updates.
3. Find the Punkbuster A, Punkbuster B and Punkbustsys exes in system32. Set all these to full admin privileges
4. Start task manager and locate the Punkbuster A and B services and allow both to 'interact with desktop'

5. Restart and hopefully all should work fine..

cod4, cod2

I just installed the Windows 7 RTM build 7600, there's a lot of bugs fixed. It's x86 version and Hungarian language. I'm playing Call of Duty 4 on it and there's no problems, no pb kicking so its nice. But I can't play Call of Duty 2. When i try to join a server, it loads but when finished loading i can see the HUD and the black screen. Somebody know why?

HI guys,i have a problem too :) i have also a windows 7 and i have a problem with cod2
on some servers after max 5 min i got kicked by punkbuster and it said Uknown Windows API function [some numbers]

so if any1 of oyu knows the solution pls reply on this PLS :))

Which Version of windows 7 do you use?

Regardless which Version you use, try the following:

Update PunkBuster manually with the pbsetup.exe from EvenBalance (sorry, havent the link yet, just google it)
May completely deinstall, reinstall and test PunkBuster using the pbsvc.exe from Evenbalance (google it, too)
Run these tools as administrator!

This should fix your problem because EvenBalance has updated the serverside files of Punkbuster, which now "support" Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) by accident (i can proof that, i play CoD 4 every day and no kicks since this update, CoD 5 worked like a charm since ever and with CoD 1 and UO i hadn´t any problems, too. I run the Windows 7 RC1 64bit)
But eyes open: some servers still kick you for unknown api function - the CoD 4 server of TBD Fight Club kicks me for api functions. Test another server, update PunkBuster and make sure they run as administrator - this should not be necessary but may help you out. And if you run the beta, deinstall it and take the RC instead.

@haxxi: where the hell did you get the RTM?

Greetz, WischMoB

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thx for all that i do all ike oyu said but still no progress i dont understand
do you know mabye someother things :frown::frown:

i have windows 7 build 7600, 64bit, and i get kicked after few minutes coz of unknown windows api function while playing cod2, i tryed changing compatibility and updated pb, nothing works i still get kicked, anyone have an idea what to do?

although there is one thing that could be a problem, when im running pbsvc.exe it says
Is PnkBstrA explicitly allowed?
Is PnkBstrB explicitly allowed?
how to fix this?


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Thats one thing you should do: Add a new firewall rule for each pnkbstr.exe (a and b)
You can add the firewall rule by going to the system control and searching for the windows firewall shortcut. There you are able to explicit allow the punkbuster executables.
Make sure they both run with administrator rights. You can check that by right-clicking each .exe, open their properties and look for the compatibility tab. there must be a box checked called "run as administrator".
Then run the pbsvc.exe again - but this time as administrator, too.
You may de-and reinstall your Punkbuster completely by using pbsvc and update it manually again with pbsetup.exe (should be run in administrator mode to be sure it works, both tools should be run always in administrator mode if you ask me^^).
Try getting ingame with cod2 and try various servers. as i´ve written above, some servers are running a server-side version of punkbuster that doesnt like Windows 7.

Punkbuster should work now, and it will officially support windows 7 from the 22th of october - i hope evenbalance is working on it.

But maybe its the RTM itself - it may has vorious new or changed api functions since it isnt the RC. And PB doesnt officially support Windows 7 so it may be impossible to get it to work, if it doesnt like the RTM api functions. As often said, the "support" of Windows 7 RC by Punkbuster happened accidently.

Meh, i hate this pb problems...
