Windows 10 Fix your Microsoft Account


New Member
May 19, 2017
Is there a Microsoft Account associated with my Windows 10 computer and if so how to I change the address to something else?

Microsoft has a bad habit of claiming my account is being used by others and blocks me from the account. For example this message keeps appearing:

You need to fix your Microsoft Account for
apps on your other devices to be able to
launch apps and continue experiences on
this device

I would like to discontinue using any Microsoft e-mail accounts. Also is there a registry settings that would turn off this message that keeps popping up on my desktop computer? It's very annoying.

Normally I would just ask this on the Microsoft forum but am unable to log in there unless I want to change my password each time.
  • Go into settings
  • Accounts
  • Your Info
  • Select 'Sign in with a local account instead'
Then you should be fine. If you're using any Windows store apps they require a login with an email account. It doesn't have to be Microsoft email. It can be any email.
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