After some research, I'm pretty sure my problem is called Focus Stealing, I've looked at a bunch of forums/threads on the internet but each seem to have individual symptoms etc so the fix to someone's problem is not the same fix to someone else's. This is probably going to be a long post, but I want to make sure I provide as much detail as possible...
I've had my computer for 2 months. This one: Link Removed - Invalid URL
For the past few weeks suddenly I'm experiencing focus stealing, from just a couple hours after turning on my computer to the whole length of time my computer has been turned on. At least right now, it is occurring every 60 seconds.
For example, I'll have just one window open, and the computer will suddenly act as if I clicked the desktop so the window is deselected/not active...VERY annoying when I'm typing (in a word doc, this post, anything) cuz if I'm not watching, half of what I've typed ended up typing into nothing, so I have to start over.
Additionally, when playing a full screen game or full screening a video, the game will minimize as if I alt+tab, or full screen video will return to a window.
I need to make it clear (as I've read in other threads elsewhere) I'm definitely not alt+tab'ing accidentally, or clicking the little clear box in the bottom right corner that shows the desktop.
I also cannot press alt+tab the moment the focus is stolen to see what program is doing it...I've had a lot of practice and nothing ever shows up.
Obviously this is not a laptop so there is no track pad to accidentally press or something like that.
I've done a virus scan with Norton (free trial with the computer, I have since uninstalled it as the free trial expired) and done spyware checks and I get nothing. This also seems to be a common symptom with other people.
I'm the kind of guy that likes to have as little programs/processes/services running as possible. I'm no expert but I've tried turning off as much as I can yet it still happens. There must be something that's trying to update, get my attention, or something, without showing up. And it's only decided to do it relatively recently. I've tried watching the processes in the task manager and nothing shows up for the split second the focus is stolen. I've tried a couple of process monitoring programs but they didn't really do anything. But perhaps you guys could recommend something.
If you need screen shots of my task manager, program list, credit card details or my mother, I shall provide them.
THANK YOU very much in advance, I will owe you many high fives.