IMAGES Guess the Game from the Screenshot

It's namesake is a classic RPG series spanning formats including C64, Spectrum, and Atari... by Interplay if memory serves
It's namesake is a classic RPG series spanning formats including C64, Spectrum, and Atari... by Interplay if memory serves

Icewind Dale??

(Man I wish I found this thread earlier. I would have guessed ArmA 2 off the first screenie.
I know, an addiction is not something to be proud of).
nope, lol...


  • a classic Interplay series rebooted for the new millenium
  • the title sounds like it could be a biography of william shakespear
  • one of the first RPG blockbusters out on nearly every format in the 1980's
  • it never took itself serious with plenty of funny parodies and dialogue
  • it was set in skara brae
If you don't get it now you need a good
That's Syndicate Wars...lmao I posted that a few quizes ago if ya look back... Please try another game not already used. Cheers.
No, but the devs would be thrilled to hear you thought so

Released in 96. Pic's probably too small to notice that