Windows 7 Hanging on desktop upon startup


New Member
May 8, 2009
Hey there.

Been running Windows 7 RC x64 for around a week now and so far it's been working great.

But today when I started the pc the OS booted normally but when it got to the desktop it hanged. I could move the mouse around but the cursor was the standard "spinning circle" when it was over the taskbar and everywhere else it was the normal white arrow. I couldn't click the Start button nor anywhere (right-click included).

Also the usual stuff that runs at startup like COMODO Firewall and Avast! that I use didn't start either because I could not see any of the usual icons in the notification area of the taskbar (only the clock was showing).

I waited for some good 10 minutes but nothing happened and had to press the reset button on the pc case for it to reboot. It rebooted, got the notice saying Windows did not ended normally and tried to start Windows normally. Same thing, it froze at the desktop the same way. I then tried to reboot in Safe Mode and I could got in Windows ok that way. After that rebooted again in normal mode and this time Windows started normally again like nothing had happened

I just wanted to ask if anyone else experienced this situation? Searched the web but didn't find any specific answers for this. You guys think it can be COMODO causing it, since it seems to be always the first startup app windows 7 runs (im running CIS 3.9 x64)?

I also went to the Event Viewer and managed to track down the time when the situation above happened the first time to me and I found out that a specific error started to occur at a given moment and got repeatedly logged every 1 minute until I did the hard reset on the pc. The error message is:
"A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the eventlog service."

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.

Hmmm, seems it really may be COMODO... and seems they may have already fixed it according to this:

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Quote: "509 addresses system freezes and BSODs some users may be experiencing. You do not need to reinstall anything. Automatic update will do this simple update for you."

Hope this solves my situation *fingers crossed*
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It appears that you are encountering a specific issue with your Windows 7 RC x64 installation, where the OS hangs at the desktop, preventing you from accessing various functions such as the Start button and notification icons. Your observation that starting in Safe Mode avoids the problem suggests that it might be related to a specific startup application or service causing the issue. Here are some steps and considerations you can take based on the information provided: 1. Software Compatibility: - COMODO Firewall: Since you suspect COMODO to be the potential culprit, it's advisable to verify if any recent updates or changes in COMODO coincide with the onset of the issue. You can try disabling COMODO temporarily to check if...
It appears that you are encountering a specific issue with your Windows 7 RC x64 installation, where the OS hangs at the desktop, preventing you from accessing various functions such as the Start button and notification icons. Your observation that starting in Safe Mode avoids the problem suggests that it might be related to a specific startup application or service causing the issue. Here are some steps and considerations you can take based on the information provided: 1. Software Compatibility: - COMODO Firewall: Since you suspect COMODO to be the potential culprit, it's advisable to verify if any recent updates or changes in COMODO coincide with the onset of the issue. You can try disabling COMODO temporarily to check if the problem persists. - Avast!: Similarly, if COMODO doesn't seem to be the cause, you might want to review Avast! and any recent changes or updates to it. 2. Event Viewer: - The error message you found in the Event Viewer, mentioning "A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the eventlog service," suggests a timeout issue with the event log service. This error could be related to a service that's not responding as expected, potentially causing the system to hang. - It's worth investigating further to determine which service might be responsible for this timeout. 3. Update/Reinstall Software: - If the issue persists, ensure both COMODO and Avast! are up to date. As you mentioned, there might already be a fix available for COMODO to address system freezes and BSODs. 4. Other Troubleshooting Steps: - System Restore: If the problem continues, and you suspect recent changes in software to be the cause, you might consider using System Restore to revert to a point before the issue started. - Check for Malware: Though less likely, it's always advisable to run a malware scan to rule out any malicious activity causing system instability. 5. Be Cautious with Updates: - While updates can often fix issues, occasionally they can introduce new problems. If possible, create a system restore point before installing updates to revert in case of any issues. If the issue persists after updating COMODO or investigating further, feel free to provide more details or run additional diagnostics for further assistance.