
Excellent Member
Mar 4, 2013
On the next Xbox Microsoft should call it Xbox PC and include a 1.0TB ssd's in it. They should also give the customer a choice on the cpu, ram and video card inside it.
It should run all gaming platforms on it and kill off the low-end game console.
It should be marketed as a small living room gaming pc and media-hub.
It can run Steam, Origin, GOG and Uplay games on it.
Image what this could do aginst Sony and their PlayStation line?

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I'd still rather have a pc though..

Me too. I only ever got my Xbox 360, so I could use it as a Media Center Extender. No plans on wasting $300-400 on a Xbox One. That would be a smart move for them, though. Choice of Intel or AMD cpu. Choice of Nvidia or AMD video cards. A ssd for faster everything. Choice of how much ram it has.
Not low-end years old part's in it like the Xbox One & PS4 have.

What's up brkkad! I think what you're describing is a PC no?

I also would think having all these add on choices and options would drive up the price significantly, partnering deals, buying smaller bulk orders, different manufacturing specs etc. I think system cost and a variety of popular titles are the most important to a system launch.

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Yes, it's a pc.The size of current game consoles. Though, the game consoles have actually been pc's, too. The mistakes they've made are using old parts on them. Like the Xbox One and PS4 have a low-end 8-core AMD FX cpu. They won't touch my AMD FX-8350 in this pc or any modern Intel cpu.
With newer modern parts and a choice on those parts, Microsoft could make a killing.
Microsoft needs to do this before Sony does it. Trust me Sony will eventually do it.
Microsoft, really can't afford for Sony to beat them on this.
All they need to realize is what Windows 8 and Microsoft Smartphones did to Microsoft. Can we afford the same with Xbox, too? NO YOU CAN'T.

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Yeah your current PC is better but Xbox One came out all the way back in 2013, that's a long long time ago in computer age, haha! So trying to compare consoles and PCs based upon hardware doesn't really make sense when you think about because just after 1 year a console is "technically" outdated hardware wise. But as the years progress game developers get better at learning the capabilities and pushing the limits of the console hardware, thus the better games tend to come out towards the middle-towards the end of the console's life cycle.

Yeah essentially the consoles are PCs now a days. But just putting a PC CPU and GPU in one doesn't make it automatically better. The consoles are built and have code written specifically for gaming. PCs aren't exclusively for gaming.

My current pc was built in May 2013 before the Xbox One or PS4 did. It's still has more modern parts and did when I built it, too. My new pc I'm building will kick all 3's asses. This pc, a Xbox One or PS4.

In 3-6 month's a pc's hardware is outdated.
It's just like the claim that notebooks, tablets & smartphones will kill desktop pc's. No way, any power user knows, that a notebook/laptop, tablet or smartphone, can't and never will be able to have all the hardware a desktop pc can.
No numerous cpu's, hdd's, ssd's, video card's, etc.
Only a desktop can do that & will always be superior.

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I don't know of any serious tech journalist that claimed tablets would kill desktops because there's things you just need a full sized keyboard, a mouse and more than 1 monitor to do; gaming and professional work. But they did bite into a serious chuck of the desktop market! I mean for people that just wanted to surf the web and send some emails a tablet is perfect. I have a few family members, young and old that prefer their tablet.

I don't think anyone, including console manufacturers, would argue that consoles are superior hardware wise than a PC. They are building consoles to play games not to be a PC. A lot of console gamers also have PCs and PCs gamers have consoles too.

I saw this today and it reminded me of this thread haha! Have a good one!

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The consoles are built and have code written specifically for gaming. PCs aren't exclusively for gaming.

This is true. One of the things consoles have going for them over the PC is the dev's ability to 'talk to the metal'.
PC's have an operating system which developers have to circumnavigate in order for their game to play effectively. Consoles do not have the same limitations so the developers can squeeze that bit more from the components. Apparently the difference can be up to 30% extra grunt although at the end of the day they're still consoles with the limitations that brings.

Yeah remember the days of the Phantom console? The only viable idea to come from that was the lapboard keyboard that ended up being their main focus before they crashed and burned.

It's just a very risky but rewarding industry to break into FIRST off and then to just hang in running with pack is another. I think it was be great for innovation to have a 4th party contender. Competition is ALWAYS the best thing for technology. Look how Microsoft changed up things when they stepped into he ring with Sony and Nintendo.
