Windows 11 How do I add some folders to the Start Screen


Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

I want to add a couple of folders to the screen that opens when I click on the start button.
I.E. Healthy Kidney Recipes, etc. that I want to use regularly, that's what happens when you're 83.

I've tried saving the folder on Drive C:\ as Start Menus Folder and then clicking on it and selecting Pin to Start. That's what "Windows" tells you to do.
It gives you the option, but when I do, this nothing happens.

I want to open one folder with a bunch of links and Menu XXX.doc files all in one place, but I'm trying to clean up the desktop and would like it in the start menu.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Hi everyone.

I solved the problem, which wasn't really a problem, in the most obvious way.
Today for the first time I noticed two little dots on the right side of the start menu.
I wonder what those are for, I thought.

So I pointed the cursor at them and a little triangle pointing down appeared.
I clicked on it, and the page moved up, page two appeared and there were all the folders I had been trying to add to the start menu!

So it was just as the instructions said, it just didn't say that they wouldn't appear on the front page.

So you can create a folder named Start Menu Folder, (mine is just C:\start menu) place it where ever you want, and then put a link to it on the Start Menu.

Then place anything in it that you want to access from the Start Menu. Just what I wanted to do.
Now I can keep my Desk Top down to only one row of icons.


At Windows 10 I don't see the triangle is it possible to add some folders to the Start Screen on Windows 10 or it is only for windows 11?

I think this is just a Windows 11 thing, but there's really an easier way to simplify the desktop. Check out RocketDock, it adds another task bar that it fully customizable and let you add anything to it, and everything opens with one click. I've used it for a long, long time.

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I keep all my commonly used programs and shortcuts on it. I've already decided that having things on the start scree is more bother than it's worth, I do have my health folder on there, but that's about all that I've done
