
Former Moderator
Feb 7, 2009
If you grabbed the Windows Developer Preview in excitement like many of us did, you may also have been displeased and somewhat confused to see the popular IM/calling program, Skype was not working.

Skype claimed they released a version (5.5.117) of the program on Wednesday that was compatible with Windows 8. This is completely true, however if you attempt to download Skype currently via s, the build you're getting is not 5.5.117, but rather a much earlier build, 5.3. This build will work in a "run once" type of scenario where it will run on first launch, but crash every launch afterwards (Encountered an error and needs to close). To ensure you get the right installation package (one that WORKS), follow this link to get Skype 5.5.117 full installer:

Installer Here

I ran into this problem. Even with the latest build it may still crash. On one install I had to reinstall it after every reboot which was less than ideal.

Apparently the Skype servers have now been set straight.. Not a moment too soon to render this post useless. It worked 3 consecutive times for me though.

No problem guys, though it now seems the Skype servers are providing the correct download version.

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