I have two 'bones' of contention with windows in general, and I expect they will be the same ones with win8 ... which are as follows:
Quite why Microsoft with all their experience in OS programming, seem to be incapable of either in the case of WordPad, change it so you can no longer define the default Font, point size, and line spacing settings, (possible in virtually all the previous versions of windows) and also NOT configure windows so that with each new version of the OS, printer manufacturers have to redesign their printer drivers, is absolutely beyond me.
Regarding WordPad, what possible 'benefit' do users gain from MS reprogramming this so that it no longer has a Registry file within which users can assign the default Font, Point size and Line spacing they prefer, without adding to Wordpad a sub-menu where you can set these instead, baffles me, unless the intention is to force users to buy that overblown, memory-gobbling Word, which is the utter opposite to what WordPad is. To be fair, Word is a superb feature-rich app, but why the hell should I be 'forced' to have to fire that up, just so that I have the option of personalised default settings?
In the case of printer drivers used in Windows, is it not beyond the wit and intelligence of a programmer, or the team leader of the group which oversees how the printer driver function works within windows, to realise and see that things would be far better and convenient for those who use this OS, if (a) the printer drivers were all installed in a 'dedicated' folder outside, instead of buried in windows, and (b) someone should be assigned to write a separate 32-bit program, which is then used by all subsequent versions of windows. If (which I can) plug in pretty well any MS-compatable keyboard ever made into any version of windows and it will work, why in hell's name, can't that also be the case with the sub-program that 'Activates' all printers? The data going from the OS, to the printer, has been 'defined' for as long as that of a keyboard has, so I absolutely cannot see why the same doesn't apply to printers, unless there is some knuckle-headed individual/team within MS, which belives that with every itaration of windows, the progam code for these needs to be changed, even when there is no need for them to be changed! If they are incapable of doing that, this 'team' needs to be flogged within an inch of their lives, and then sacked!