I feel Windows 7 is mine now.


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
I've upgraded to 7 from Vista. I had to uninstall Nortan Endpoint Protection and had trouble with a Google toolbar that doesn't exist and couldn't be uninstalled. There was no way I was going to let that warning stop me for more than a few minutes so I installed and thankfully it is working. After the upgrade I can reinstall Nortan.

Today, I installed Active Directory Users and Computers. I had to get RSAT and modify its features after install to see the ADUC and I'm flyin' high.

I noticed that .MSI Microsoft Installer files seems to have been replaced by MSU files when I was installing RSAT. I see now that they are Microsoft Update standa-alone packages for Vista and Server 2008 and that these files are not supported in XP. Maybe this will prevent the 2008 platform files from being installed in XP.

Okay. I am jazzed.
