Oki ,I did as you said , consequently I,m not able to observe other devices anymore . But the problem is that I think they can still watch me . Do u think they are able to watch me ?
No I don't, especially from the Network and Sharing Center. The utitlity only provides a list of servers available on the network (servers in the sense that they are broadcasting their presense on the network and publishing any shares they have available)
Generally a best practice against any type of network intrusion would be a username that you don't share with anyone, coupled with a very strong password incorporating upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters, with numbers and special characters something like
P@$$w0rd (that you also do not share with anyone.
Additionally you can not share anything if you don't have anything shared then there is nothing for them to see.
Unfortunately there are what's call default hidden shares, like C$ so typically on a network, if someone knows your IP address or hostname then they could access your C drive by typing
Link Removed so with a username and password they're pretty much good to go. That's why you should always protect your username and password and make the password strong. (Also one of the reasons that the default administrator's account is now disabled, right out of the box on Win7.
No one can actually watch you, unless they are running some type of third party software on their and your machine that faciliates some type of shadowing and or screenshot capturing and keylogging. Not too likely without your knowledge. Or of course looking over your shoulder, just glance back every once in a while.