
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

This morning I noticed that my action center was trying to get my attention.

When I opened it I recieved a message that said, "Click here to enter your most recent Windows Password.

When I clicked on it, it brought up this message screen...

Link Removed

When I clicked on "Sign in" it takes me to my Users and Accounts page.
There is no place to sign in on that page.

It shows that I'm signed in.

In fact I don't know where you sign into your Microsoft account inside Windows.

Has anyone else seen this, and if it's legit what am I supposed to do?



I'm back, I think it's fixed this time.
I went to the Users and Accounts page and set up a local account.

As soon as I did that the error went away, then I rebooted and all seems to be fine now.

Now the people are here to install our emergency generator so I have to shut everything down.

Bye for 4 hours or so.

I'm pretty sure that it is legit Mike. I've seen it before myself.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I use both a Picture Password as well as a PIN password to log on to my computer as preferred methods.
Sometimes if I just log on using my actual Microsoft ID and password instead of one of the other methods, it seems to resolve that message.


Thanks Trouble, I use a 4 letter code to login, I'll reboot and log in with my password and see what happens.



Back again!!!

I thought that, that fixed it, but a couple of minutes after I logged in the message returned?
I'll do a little research and see if other people are having this issue.

The weird thing it that it asks you to enter your password but never takes you any place to do it?


OK.... sorry that didn't help.
Keep us posted as to what you might find.


I'm back, I think it's fixed this time.
I went to the Users and Accounts page and set up a local account.

As soon as I did that the error went away, then I rebooted and all seems to be fine now.

Now the people are here to install our emergency generator so I have to shut everything down.

Bye for 4 hours or so.


You have to click the "SIGN IN" bit to access

But have a look at your account at

I recall an option there to change your password at (your choice) intervals. It could be the trigger.

I went to the Users and Accounts page and set up a local account.

As soon as I did that the error went away, then I rebooted and all seems to be fine now.
Interesting and I have no idea why that would have had the impact on your issue that it apparently has had.
Historically I always keep a JohnDoe (administrator) local account on my computer(s). Not sure why, just something I've always done. I find it handy for networking access across network nodes as it is less difficult to type and the password doesn't look like someone spilled a bowl of alphabet soup, as is the case with my Microsoft ID.


I'm back, our emergency generator it all installed and has been test run.
Last winter our power was off for 5 days at one time, and we can't go and stay with friends because of our dogs.
So at least it gives us assurance that we won't freeze to death.

Worse that meant 5 days with no computer!

Now the power is back on and the password thing seems to be fixed.

I'm not sure what it was all about, or why it came up to start with.
I'm still logging in using my 4 digit code just like I did before.
My Microsoft password is so long my fingers get tired typing it. LOL

Anyway everything seems back to normal.

