I keep getting a popup that says, "Last Chance to Reboot to install updates scheduled for 12:00 AM"
The only option you have is to click on the Postpone button.
If it's my last chance, shouldn't I get an option to Reboot?
What happens if I miss my last chance, am I doomed forever?
The funny thing is that when I click on the Postpone button, it takes me to the Updates window, which shows that my computer is up to date, even checking for updates finds nothing.
This seems to happen every day.
At first I just went ahead and rebooted after closing the windows but it became apparent that it just restarted without installing anything.
I'm happy to report that since I dumped my Sound Blaster card and switched to my on-board audio, I haven't had any issues with my sound.
I'd like to see Cortana start talking again, but I know now that it doesn't have to do with my sound drivers.
Maybe the next build will fix these problems.
It seem like each build introduces new issues without fixing the ones we got last time.
It seems like the first build that I installed was the most stable of the lot so far.