Windows 10 Log in trouble Windows 10

Irrelevant now, but, Ross, your post #25. The only reason for this is that the partition is too small. She has got to have a minimum of 20gbs to be successful. But you have already pointed that out in an earlier post.

Going back again to post #9. This would be the possible reason for password failure, which she mentioned in post #1 " I was trying to set it so I wouldn't have to log on every time I opened my laptop, but I think I inadvertently changed my user or something"
I think she is going to have to find that password before she can activate, assuming, this time, a successful install.
Hi Dave, When you do the clean install you skip the first part where it asks for a key. It will activate it without entering the key. I thought you had to have one too but a friend of mine just did a clean install and said he bypassed entering the key. Out of curiosity I did another clean install to see if that was the case. It worked without having a key. I still think it is a good idea to use jelly bean or speccy or some program to find it. and keep it on hand in case you do ever need it.
My mistake Dave, For some feeble reason when I read your comment you said password and I was thinking key. I apologize for that mistake.
I'm up and running and using Windows 10 right now. You guys have been the best!!

Everything is working great. I logged on perfectly and downloaded my AVG and Malabytes right away. I have one more really minor question. I normally use Chrome and I still have it but I saw where I could import my favorites to Edge, which I did. Is there some way to pin my favorites bar under the address bar like it is on my Chrome page?
As for Edge follow my screenshots to enable the favourites bar:


I also arrowed where you can import your favourites too.(oops I see you already did that..) Any problems post back.
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