Looking for new company name and slogan.. Community, help me out here

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Former Moderator
Feb 7, 2009
Hey guys!
I run a fairly small Computer business in a small town.
I'm looking for a makeover.
A new name and slogan.
Any suggestions from you great people will be considered..
Sorry if this is against forums rules ;)

Hey guys!
I run a fairly small Computer business in a small town.
I'm looking for a makeover.
A new name and slogan.
Any suggestions from you great people will be considered..
Sorry if this is against forums rules ;)

Include the town in the name for the domain.. just a thought!

OK, just an idea to maybe get the ball rolling,

Technology Imaginitive sounds very good to me. It can be any name that sounds good, Orion, Grand, etc. but check if the name is not taken yet.

Thanks for the quick replies!
The town name is Maitland and I certainly may take "ComputeRx" into thought.

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