Windows 7 Lost Taskbar Grouping and Window Switching Features in Windows


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2010
I seem to have lost the facility in my taskbar for explorer items to be grouped behind the icons when there is more than one program running - (See screenshot "Taskbar"). I have also lost the "Switch between windows" capability - (See Screenshot Switching Windows)Link RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink Removed - Invalid URLLink Removed - Invalid URL
Welcome back to the forums

To solve your first issue, right click the taskbar and go to properties and under the "Taskbar Buttons" section, select "Always Combine, Hide Labels".
No ideas off the top of my head for the Flip3D issue.. Have you made any recent registry changes to your PC or ran any optimization programs?
Welcome back to the forums

To solve your first issue, right click the taskbar and go to properties and under the "Taskbar Buttons" section, select "Always Combine, Hide Labels".
No ideas off the top of my head for the Flip3D issue.. Have you made any recent registry changes to your PC or ran any optimization programs?