Have not been here since 2013, I may possibly utbe me for a reply from 'Cecilia Sth', would be fun to reconnect! If you thought I kept a low profile in recent years, think again!
Right proud to have contributed to providing you with the Microsoft license keys an almost "like clockwork" Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, has been working quietly with the evaluation à la 'Trial & Error on Windows 8 (.1) during February and March, documented and attached screenshots to Microsoft. Eventually forwarded them to the United States, and the way it is. Is the information quality, the end result is also there.
Should this not account for all the atrocities I have found, then the moderators to delete the entire post. Can only say this, that you are doing yourself a big favor if you re-install Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 from the link below that I received last Friday from Microsoft Inc., Redmond, WA. Is currently working together with a dedicated Escalation Engineer, and I have been able to confirm that I think Windows 8 (.1) "spot on" NOW !!! The thing that bothered me most about previous versions was what damn the little blue rotating wheel every time I right-clicked on an item! Sure, there still remain, especially with some programs icons, but rarely in terms of files, will now 'right click menu' up instantly!
First choose between Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. This link produces a Windows equivalent to the architecture of the system, for an x86 web browser running on a 32-bit computer, for x64 on a 64-bit. Otherwise, select the language version of Windows, and confirm the architecture. Enjoy the new Windows 8 (.1) !!!
And YES, have your genuine Microsoft license key in standby, without key in this, you are not !!!
However, we have those who bought a computer with Windows 8 (.1) pre-installed! Unfortunately, it is "smoked" for you, Microsoft sells admittedly licenses to computer manufacturers, so they create their own OEM license keys! (OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer). How do you know if you have an OEM Windows 8 (.1)? Check in SYSTEMS in DiskInfo in Settings, bottom set 'Product ID' - if it ends in 'OEM' so it is useless to try to re-install. Although there is a functioning free-software that reads out the license key, but is hardly worth the work. (If you still want to try, googling 'Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder' - then solves itself!) !!! But no, the work's not! I myself am not Fejan or Twitter, but probably could pay to have their voices heard in the question!
The safe is 99% of all Windows 8 (.1) systems sold as OEM, thus no sticker with the license key in the bottom or inside the battery compartment on your laptop! Experience Windows 7 was the last MS operating system that came with the sticker affixed !!!
For that you should realize that some years of future Windows Update does not resolve the problem, forget it! To re-install solve a structural problem in Windows 8 (.1), is thus similar to demolish a house without bearing walls, and build a new functioning on the same basis !!
Kudos to those who realize that I with this post has become a "whistleblower" in the style of Edward Snowden, but then a modest scale. Have realized that I can not get the giant 'Glufs-glufs' to decide to allow for installation even for those who only have legal OEM keys, might as well kick me tired! "But little tuft of overturning the often large lass! ", you are numerous enough so you will see that it will change in the end !!! Has worked incredibly hard on this project, but think it is a pity that only selected have the opportunity to enjoy the end result !!!
I almost settled the matter, had when Windows 8 (.1) was the worst raljerat that "my next PC will be a Mac from Apple"! So far, iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV, but still !!!
P.S. For Office moderator! Please "encrypt" the genuine OEM key at this screenshot, just replace the HDD so no Photoshop or even GIMP, there to edit
this picture! D.S.
// Cuts Lasse: sta2r :: :: sta2r sta2r: