
Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2013

Har Inte varit här sedan 2013, får jag möjligen utbe mig om ett svar från 'Cecilia Sth', vore kul att återknyta kontakten! Om ni trodde att jag legat lågt de senaste åren, tänk om!

Är rätt stolt över att ha bidragit till att erbjuda er med Microsoft-licensnycklar ett närmast "klockrent" Windows 8 samt Windows 8.1, har ju jobbat i det tysta med utvärdering à la 'Trial&Error mot Windows 8(.1) under februari och mars, dokumenterat och bifogat skärmdumpar till Microsoft. Småningom vidarebefordrades dessa till USA, och på den vägen är det. Är informationen av hög kvalitet, blir slutresultatet också det.

Skall här inte redogöra för alla hemskheter jag funnit, då kommer moderatorerna att radera hela inlägget. Kan bara säga så här att ni gör er själva en stor tjänst om ni om-installerar Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 från nedanstående länk som jag i fredags fick från Microsoft Inc., i Redmond, WA. Jobbar just nu ihop med en dedikerad Eskaleringsingenjör, och jag har kunnat bekräfta att jag anser Windows 8(.1) "klockren" NU!!! Det som störde mig mest med tidigare versioner var ju det förb-de lilla roterande blå hjulet varje gång jag höger-klickade på ett objekt! Visst finns det ännu kvar, särskilt med vissa program-ikoner, men sällan när det gäller filer, nu kommer 'högerklick-menyn' upp blixtsnabbt!

Välj först mellan Windows 8 och Windows 8.1. Denna länken producerar en Windows motsvarande arkitekturen på systemet, för en x86 kör webbläsaren på en 32-bitars dator, för x64 på en 64-bitars. I övrigt, välj språk, Windows-version, och bekräfta arkitekturen. Mycket nöje med nya Windows 8(.1)!!!
Och JA, ha din äkta Microsoft licensnyckel i beredskap, utan att knappa in denna blir du utan!!!


Men, så har vi er som köpt en dator med Windows 8(.1) förinstallerad! Tyvärr är det "rökt" för er, Microsoft säljer visserligen licenser till datortillverkarna, så de skapar sina egna OEM-licensnycklar! (OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer). Hur vet man om man ha en OEM-Windows 8(.1)? Kontrollera i SYSTEM under Diskinfo i Inställningar, längst ned anges 'Produkt-ID' - om det slutar med 'OEM' så är det lönlöst att försöka om-installera. Finns visserligen ett fungerande gratis-program som läser ut licensnyckeln, men är knappast lönt arbetet. (Om ni ändå vill testa, googla 'Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder' - då löser det sig!)!!! Men nej, fungerar ju INTE! Själv är jag inte på Fejan eller Twitter, men nog kunde det löna sig att göra sina röster hörda i frågan!

Säkert är 99 % av alla Windows 8(.1)-system sålda som OEM, alltså ingen klisterlapp med licens-nyckeln i botten eller inne i batteriutrymmet på din laptop! Erfar att Windows 7 var det sista MS-operativsystemet som levererades med klisterlappen anbringad!!!

För att ni skall inse att några års framtida Windows Update INTE löser problemet, glöm det! Att om-installera löser ett strukturellt problem i Windows 8(.1), är alltså ungefär som att riva ett hus utan bärande väggar, och bygga ett nytt fungerande på samma grund!!

Kudos till er som inser att jag med detta inlägget blivit en "whistleblower" i stil med Edward Snowden, men då i blygsam skala. Har insett att jag själv inte kan få jätten 'Glufs-glufs' att besluta sig för att tillåta om-installation även åt dem som enbart har lagliga OEM-nycklar, kan ju lika gärna sparka mig trött!"Men liten tuva välter ju ofta stort lass!", är ni många nog så skall ni få se att det blir ändring till slut!!! Har jobbat otroligt hårt med detta projektet, men tycker det är synd att bara utvalda får möjligheten att njuta av slutresultatet!!!

Var nära att jag gjorde slag i saken, hade ju när Windows 8(.1) var som sämst raljerat om att "min nästa PC blir en Mac från Apple"! Hittills bara iPhone, iPad och Apple TV, men ändå!!!

P.S. Till tjänstgörande moderator! Vänligen "kryptera" den äkta OEM-nyckeln på denna skärmdumpen, byter just HDD så ingen Photoshop, eller ens GIMP, finnes för att redigera
denna bilden! D.S.


I'm not entirely sure what your point is but I removed the screenshot of the windows key.
OKidoki, and many thanks for the 'Google Translate', had no idea their translation was that BAD!!! Must say I am surprised that no Swedish persons 'not-working-for-Microsoft' where available to give me a reply? Whatever, you will do nicely. Must confess that I am impressed that you even check the postings from non-English users, 2 years ago I could have benefitted from this, when I in vain tried to get Microsoft's attention regarding numerous bugs in Windows 8.1, but to no avail. Later, the gamers alll reported the 'Mouse Bug', I already knew that... and then some...
Since I am a professional translator, would you like me to provide a more verbatim translation of my posting? Myself, I do NOT understand some of the translation...Please let me know.. Can fix pretty quick!
Apart from deleting the screenshot, have you any reply to me and/or any opinion regarding this matter????
OKidoki, and many thanks for the 'Google Translate', had no idea their translation was that BAD!!! Must say I am surprised that no Swedish persons 'not-working-for-Microsoft' where available to give me a reply? Whatever, you will do nicely. Must confess that I am impressed that you even check the postings from non-English users, 2 years ago I could have benefitted from this, when I in vain tried to get Microsoft's attention regarding numerous bugs in Windows 8.1, but to no avail. Later, the gamers alll reported the 'Mouse Bug', I already knew that... and then some...
Since I am a professional translator, would you like me to provide a more verbatim translation of my posting? Myself, I do NOT understand some of the translation...Please let me know.. Can fix pretty quick!
Apart from deleting the screenshot, have you any reply to me and/or any opinion regarding this matter????
Jeez, wrote a perfectly verbatim Swedish translation, and then your system posted my previous reply again???!!!
Couldn't find my latest reply/posting again, maybe you should implement same technique that e-mail clients GMail and iCloud Mail do, i.e. continuously saving a backup of current message...???!

Hi Kapar,
in regard to Windows keys:
Link Removed

As you mention the above translation is so bad I couldn't understand fully the point you are trying to make. If you could repost your request or question then that would help enormously.

Must say I am surprised that no Swedish persons 'not-working-for-Microsoft' where available to give me a reply?

This is a privately owned forum and everyone are volunteers.

Although this is a Microsoft based forum we are not part of Microsoft.

Sure we have users who are Swedish it's just that they might not be in the forum today but they are around..
To you, 'kemical', 'KaparLasse' is approximately 'Cap'nLars', so'Kapar' isn't my first name, it's a moniker for 'Captain Lars'. Please be informed that I just lost power for a short while, and of course my reply to you vanished permanently!!! Strongly urge you to support my request that you rewrite this homepage adding same technique as GMail and Apple iCloud Mail, i.e. forcing saves of current posting as soon as ANY modification to it is detected, then this will NEVER happen again!!!

Always have problems developing the wheel again, did a good job in the previous lost message... But OK, here goes...
Have NOT in any way suggested or endorsed anyone to buy, beg, steal or borrow stolen license keys, or counterfeit ones for that matter!!! NO WAY, JOSE!!! What I am trying to tell you all is that, starting with Windows 8 the business have abandoned the use of Microsoft validation stickers carrying the license key!!! Few people know this, but boy will they when they learn that they may be running a bad specimen of Windows 8(.1), and out there is a PERFECTLY GOOD version available for download from internet, BUT ONLY FOR holders of Microsoft license keys!!! Your 'Average Joe' will not be too happy, I dare say!!! Was planning to enclose a ScreenShot of CMD.exe run as Administrator, where 'sfc /scannow' have serious problems with corrupted files, but W_T_F_, you'll probably delete it anyway. But take my word for it, in the past Windows 8(.1) have had serious isssues, ALL THOSE ARE GONE in newest version, as far as I have been able to ascertain. Unfortunately the HDD on my x64-laptop gave up, so I could only BETA-test on x86, but so far looking A-OK!!!

Currently, only holders of Microsoft-issued license keys can get to this new Windows-version, all that bought an OEM system from companies like ASUS, HP, Packard Bell et al are left out in the desert without ANY water!!! I DO NOT think this is fair, reason tells me that Microsoft make quite some money licensing the right for OEM-companies to manufacture their own license keys, so both Microsoft and OEM legal license keys should be treated as PRIORITY entities!!!

ANYWAY, this is what I want NOW, liberty & justice for all... Myself I am fortunately not in this predicament, have 2 Windows 8 license keys bought online from Microsoft, so I do not speak driven by own interest here!

If I recall correctly, in Swedisk Computer Press we have read that home users running Windows 7 or Windows 8(.1) are eligible for a FREE upgrade to soon released Windows 10, EVEN those who DO NOT have a legal valid license key???!
Which I find to be bullsh*t to say that Microsoft, in this age of internet, would allow ANY Windows-version from XP and up to run with illegal (stolen or counterfeit) license key, h*ll a key once installed in one system will be blocked by Microsoft, or at least that is what I have heard! So even used keys are worthless, and never pass validation by Windows-installer!!!
So thieves and other lowlives will be able to upgrade to FREE Windows 10, but bona fide Windows 8(.1)-owners with valid OEM license keys will not even get THE #1 UPGRADE for Windows 8(.1)???!!! Maybe they too can use the offer to upgrade for FREE to Windows 10 if considered to belong in same group as thieves and counterfeit engineers??!

Almost 11:30 PM here in Sweden, sorry will have to 'take a 'raincheck', will do my best to fix you up with a translation tomorrow afternoon, OK?


To be honest until all the details are finalised and written in stone I wouldn't say anything is for certain.
Good call, consider myself to be an expert in English idioms, those are so cool because most translators haven't got a clue what they mean... Will lead to off-the-chart Swedish translations...

Was up already 5AM today, am pretty sure I can swing the Swedish translation for you. Assuming you are on the Eastcoast, your 8AM is our 4PM since we are GMT +1 hour.

Meanwhile, it's not easy for anyone to detect if their Windows 8(.1) has flaws, but assign a Pro or a Whiz kid to run 'sfc /scannow' from Cmd.exe as Administrator, is my first suggestion. If it cannot run at all, or it reports corrupt files that it could not replace, then user system is in grave peril. You need take a backup of all important stuff, always assume re-install will leave you with nothing on the HDD save the 'windows.old' and the new O/S!

If you out there want more related info, click 'Like' so I see you want additional info.Have already been there, done that!!!

Am almost working myself into the ground, now have the 5th (of 5 checked) systems that must be overhauled and have Windows 8(.1) replaced!!! Worked through the weekend with 2 systems, 1 is finalized and better than new! Have said goodbye to most rotating blue wheels when right-clicking on an item... My keen eye has detected a bug in new version also, will today report this directly to Redmond, WA.

But MS are getting there, they really need fix the "Engine" of Windows 8(.1), it is most likely the foundation 'Engine' in new upcoming Windows 10.


Haven't been around since 2013, could I possibly request for a reply from 'Cecilia Sth', would be fun to re-connect! If you were under the assumption that I have kept a low profile these few years, please re-think!

Am pretty proud for having contributed to being able to offer you guys Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 in new builds, they are I dare say, the most stable versions that have ever been launched. But offer is valid ONLY for owners of Microsoft license keys, OEM-license keys are not eligible for new upgrade. During February and March I have been working impromptu with an evaluation of Windows 8(.1) based upon 'Trial & Error', carefully documenting and enclosing Screen Dumps to Microsoft. Eventually the material were forwarded to Microsoft Inc. in USA, and that's the way it is. If the information is top quality, so will the end result become.

Within this forum I will not account for all the atrocities I have encountered along the way, would probably border on slander and Moderators will erase the entire posting. Let bygones be bygones! But wish to emphasize that you will be doing yourself a great favor if you re-install Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 from the link below which I received Friday past, from Microsoft Inc., in Redmond, WA. Am co-operating right now with a dedicated Support Escalation Engineer, and I have been able to confirm that I deem Windows 8(.1) in excellent condition now!!! What bothered me the most earlier, was the f*cking little rotating blue wheel every time I right-clicked on an item! Sure it's still there, especially with some icons pertaining to programs or apps, but seldom when files are concerned, now the 'Right-click Menu' will emerge with lightning speed!

First make your selection of Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Please note the license key itself identifies which product it was sold for, so if you bought a key for Win 8, but have been running 8.1 upgrade for very long time, still you need to download Windows 8, and later get the 8.1 upgrade from Store. This behavior may change with time, myself I cannot see the good in overwriting your Windows 8.1 with Windows 8, not the smartest implementation I have seen. Also you most likely lose everything, it's just lika a clean install. So make sure to create a backup of 'Downloaded files', 'Documents', 'Films', 'Photos' and other cherished files... When you are left only one option, keep NOTHING, you will want to have that backup handy afterwards!

This link produces a Windows corresponding to the system architecture, for an x86 use Web Client on a 32-bit system, for x64 do same on a 64-bit system. Other than this, select your preferred language, the version of Windows your license key allows ('no-frills' or 'Pro' or 'Enterprise'. The last two can be offered with an 'N'-suffix, meaning they are defunct of some audio & video functions. And yes, just for us sorry Europeans...). Enjoy you new Windows 8(.1)!!!
And YES, keep your genuine Microsoft license key handy, without entering or pasting it you will receive nothing!!!


But, then we have you guys who bought a system with Windows 8(.1) pre-installed! Unfortunately you are "so smoked"! Microsoft actually sell licenses to the Computer Industry, so they create their own OEM-license keys! (OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer). How do you know if you have an OEM-Windows 8(.1)? Check in System under Disk Information in Settings , at the bottom you will find the 'Product ID' - if that ends with 'OEM' it is futile to even try to re-install. There is however, functioning freeware that recovers your license key, but it's hardly worth the work. (If still keen to test utility, google 'Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder' - and you're ready to roll!)!!! But, no, this is still NO viable solution!
Myself I do not attend FaceBook or Twitter, but I'm quite sure that it can be worth your while and in your best interest to
post your opinions regarding this particular matter!

Am pretty sure that 99% of all Windows 8(.1)-systems are sold as OEM, thus no PKC:s (Product Key Cards) have been distributed using COA:s (Certificate of Authenticity).So, no need to look for a paper sticker at the bottom of system, or inside the battery compartment of your laptop! My information says Windows 7 was the last O/S to have the paper sticker attached!!!

So you will realize that a few years of Windows Updates will NOT solve this problem, just forget it! Re-installing solves a structural problem within Windows 8(.1), basically it is just like tearing down a house having no bearing walls, and build a new functioning one on the same foundation!!

Kudos to you that realize that with this posting I have become a new "whistleblower" Edward Snowden-style, but then on a miniscule scale. Have realized that myself I cannot change the behemot's decision into allowing re-installation also for those who have legal OEM-license keys, might as well lay down and die, huh? But democracy is in the hand of the masses, if you form an interest group large enough, you will eventually succeed in having Microsoft change their policy behind this decision!!! Myself I have worked incredibly hard with this project, and would hate to see that only a select few get the ability to enjoy the final result!!!

It was close that I just gave up this project, had when Windows 8(.1) was at it's worst bantered that "my next PC will be an Apple Mac"! So far only iPhone, iPad and Apple TV, but still!!!

P.S. <original text not translated> An uploaded Screen Shot I wanted to have masked so license key would not become public, but was rather deleted by Windows 8 Forum Moderator. D.S.

And, oh yes, had I known that an English translation would be required here, I sure would have amended some of the Swedish wording, Swedish idioms are harder to translate into English, than the other way around!!
Now I will send a Bug Report on small bug from the past that I have discovered in new Windows 8(.1) build, so, NO, it's not exactly flawless, but very close!!! I BETA-tested Windows 1.0 for Wang Labs, Inc., their Swedish subsidiary Wang Svenska, so I have reallly seen them all... You bet!

For your eyes only, 'kemical', suggest you change the name of this thread into:
'Lucky you if your Windows 8(.1) license key originated from Microsoft..." else few people will find this posting. It was quite close that I failed to deliver the translation AGAIN, my posting got lost for about 15 minutes, only my BETA-testing stamina helped me retrieve it again. Return to what I have previously said, improve customer interface so it is more user friendly!!!

I just reported an old bug in lmost recent rev. Windows 8(.1), reminds me of some erroneus behavior I noticed in Vista...
Started with 2 different 'Downloaded files' in C:\Users\Me\. When each new O/S-version keeps its legacy from the past, they all inherit the 'Engine' from previous version, and I bet Microsoft wish they had more skilled Operating System BETA-testers around... So, I'm currently un-employed and available assuming it is OK that I work over the net from a distance in upper north of Sweden, where Santa & his reindeers reside!
This isn't exactly a 'new' complaint regarding the limitations of OEM software. Once can always ask the vendor to supply a disk and some do for free whilst others require a fee.
Respect that you take your stand, 'kemical', but then again you have to accept that I have selected to stay with the crowd across the street, Microsoft is OEM when Windows is concerned, they are the Original Equipment Manufacturer in this respect, they should NOT provide a functioning Windows 8(.1) ONLY to their own customers... The reason that demand for my skills have escalated lately is of course the fact that the "Engine" from Windows 8(.1) will soon become the new "Engine" in up-and-coming Windows 10, just as with its predecessors...
Minor bug I discovered this morning I am pretty sure originates from Vista "Engine", so either one fix the code good, or one thread an alternative path...
Do you have an opinion on the matter of meticously disabling long time users from Windows 8.1 re-installation, because key was sold for Windows 8, or could you agree that this is a bad judgement call? Also, basically all deviations result in a 'Clean Install', meaning you can keep NOTHING! You get new Windows-version, and 'windows.old', everything else goes down 'the toilet'!!!

Do you have an opinion on the matter of meticously disabling long time users from Windows 8.1 re-installation, because key was sold for Windows 8, or could you agree that this is a bad judgement call?

The limitations of OEM software has long been known about. It does on the one hand give the end user an advantage in that they will buy a computer with a copy of Windows installed. I do feel that when selling the pc or laptop/notebook the salesperson should let the customer know about what they can and cannot do with the installed software.

Whilst it's true that with OEM software users cannot do a 'clean install' they often have a partition which contains a copy of the os which allows them to at least return their installation back to factory conditions.

At the end of the day if users want more then the best thing to do is to buy a copy of Windows.
As a long time Asus user I must say i'll take an Asus OEM* over a Microsoft one any day but fyi;
1. You do NOT need a Microsoft key to download Windows 8 or 8.1 iso from Microsoft... that's what they assume but it's not required and the image you get is legal to use with a matching OEM.
2. Windows 8.1 is unstable because it was pushed out the door too soon but Microsoft has repaired most the issues with patches... you need at least the 8.1.1 patch.
3. Most OEM software can be upgraded to a pro version if you need the extras and this is done from the normal control panel after you get a new licence key from Microsoft... this does unlock the old OEM key for re-use (on that machine) and may be handy for a dual or multi boot senario.

* The term OEM = "Original equipment manufacturer" and is Windows 7 or below... MSDM is the correct term for windows 8 and above but thats another post.
Hi 'ussnorway' thanks a lot for getting in touch and supplying very interesting information.

I am not "in the loop" much anymore, am getting on in years. In fact, the first O/S I BETA-tested was Windows 1.0 for Wang Labs Inc., Swedish subsidiary Wang Svenska, worked there until '91. First let me tell you that USS Norway created an inner vision of Norway's first Battleship, as you are a NATO member, but when I
googled it I could rather find a huge Cruise Liner named SS Norway. So, I guess you got your moniker from that ship, huh? Am glad to hear that MSDN-companies DO SUPPLY Windows to their customers, I didn't know this, and you should know I got the new ASUS-laptop as a new work-system just a short time ago. I have always BETA-tested Operating Systems, since I started with Wang Taiwan, they appreciated me so highly that they added two new functions that I
needed in order to write, and I am going out on a limb here, the first RAM-database in the world circa 1991. Because Wang Labs went into Chapter Eleven around that time, shortly after they sold the concerned O/S to x-Wang people in (french) Quebec, Canada. At least the O/S was saved now, later Wang became non-existing.
OK, so I digress here, anyway I did the big mistake to buy Windows 8 untested in 2012, and it has bothered me since. Did do a thorough BETA-test of new 8.1 when that came, posted on this forum then, but got NO response, people did not want to hear about bugs in new Windows, NoNo!! Had quite a few bugs analyzed then, especially the mouse movement/response bug that Gamers all over the world realized the following week. So my summary is: Had MS been open for input from Professionals like me as early as 2012-13, then Win 8(.1) would have been fixed good 2 years ago... Then I was more or less asked to f*ck off when I wanted to report bugs, now on the other hand MS USA love me!
This beacause I work for free, and NOW guys like me are in great demand, it has always been the case with later Windows-versions that the new one inherit the "Engine" from its predecessor, so Windows 6 [Vista] donated its 'Engine' to Windows 7, who in return is the 'Engine' in Windows 8(.1). And now soon to be launched Windows 10 will be supplied with 'Engine' from Windows 8(.1)!!!
So you bet MS are busy bees now to remove as many bugs as they can before launch of Windows 10!!! In fact, to prove my theory above, yesterday morning I found a minor bug in Windows 8.1 that I discovered already in Vista around 2007 or so... Have near photographic memory, some stuff sticks with me for ever... At that time, Microsoft wouldn't have any Bug Reporting going either, had they then that bug would have been taken care of 10 years ago, instead people will have to work their butts off now! I don't think that anyone should have a channel into Microsoft Sofware Engineers, but I kind of think that proven Computer Industry Professionals should have an inner track to the most holy parts of Microsoft... i think they have had a change of heart now,
i who was shunned in 2012-13 suddenly get my own dedicated liaison, an experienced Support Escalation Engineer - have never had one of those before!!! Also, he was assigned to me from the very top of Microsoft, by the
Office of Advocate General for Western Europe, you can't reach a much higher level than that, unless you know Bill, of course...

One of my favourite pastimes is in fact to check software, homepages and Operating Systems for potential bugs or other flaws. I kind of hated it when HTML came, without any syntax control, and could not be compiled??!!!
Yes, the youth, always wanted new toys, and other music than their parents..
But, Enough is Enough!!! Wrote my last big multi-user Order Entry System around 1991-93, and then it was all over... i regret that, it had been my life for so many years... But then again, few of us who are experienced in debugging Operating Systems are around any longer, maybe I am the last of an outdying
category of Analysts??? Maybe Microsoft Inc. will realize what a catch I am?

Have a separate office fully furnished with everything possibly needed, then of course including 2.4 and 5.0 GHz Wi-Fi from my 100+ mbit/s fibre-optic cable delivering internet to/from my home.

Many warm thanks for your information. After having been, in my youth, 'Reserve-Nordmann' in Ibiza serveral years in a row, I do speak near perfect Norwegian (Bokmål, not the gibberish from up north), but sorry to say I don't write better than sh*t!!! But know some odd words, such as Sykkel (Cykel in Swedish). Many thanks for getting in touch with me, as a result I have today asked MS USA about which Build with which Release Date is the current O/S
version that is almost bug free? And, do MS supply this version also to their
MSDN-customers? Because, it won't help to re-install any Windows-version
prior to the current one!!!

Signing off here. You know I am a Captain (but ROTC-style), they won't let me take command of a Cruise Liner, for sure!!!
