Patrick Ahern

Active Member
May 10, 2012
I have a Roland CDR-II drive which was purchased several years ago as a stand alone device.
I have been unable to locate the drivers required to make this device functional.
This device uses a db25 to usb adaptor. It appears Win 7 is incapable of handling this situation.
This cd drive was constructed in "dayes of olde" before the domination of plastics, and is extremely solid. Perhaps they do not want me using this device because of its age.
The Roland website contains little information due to their pursuit of new sales. They have no email support for my difficulty.

I am hoping somebody here in the Win 7 world can help. I prefer to reactivate older products as I am living on retirement benefits, unable to work. Thus I have less money to spend, and more time to spend it.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Hey Patrick, can you list the actual model number of the unit?
