
Active Member
May 30, 2012
Hi all. My first post.

On 05-10-2011, robhutten posted the following answer to the question, "Font size in Outlook folder list (office 2010)" ...

Of course I found the solution just minutes after posting this :-/
In Outlook: View > Layout > Navigation Pane > Font

This only answers the "folder list" part of the font size question, as beside the folder list is a "message list" of all the messages in the selected folder, and I would like to change this font on my new Outlook 2010 installation.

Could anyone please direct me to where the message list font can be changed?

Kind regards,

Hello RetiredEngineer,
It seems like you are looking to change the font size of the message list in Outlook 2010. Unfortunately, Outlook 2010 does not have a built-in option to change the font size of the message list. However, you can try changing the DPI (dots per inch) settings on your computer, which can affect the font size in various applications, including Outlook.
Here's how you can adjust the DPI settings in Windows:
1. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and select "Screen resolution" or "Display settings" (the exact option might vary depending on your version of Windows).
2. In the window that opens, look for a link that says "Make text and other items larger or smaller."
3. You can choose a higher DPI setting which...
Hello RetiredEngineer,
It seems like you are looking to change the font size of the message list in Outlook 2010. Unfortunately, Outlook 2010 does not have a built-in option to change the font size of the message list. However, you can try changing the DPI (dots per inch) settings on your computer, which can affect the font size in various applications, including Outlook.
Here's how you can adjust the DPI settings in Windows:
1. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and select "Screen resolution" or "Display settings" (the exact option might vary depending on your version of Windows).
2. In the window that opens, look for a link that says "Make text and other items larger or smaller."
3. You can choose a higher DPI setting which will scale up the size of text and other items on your screen.
4. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Adjusting the DPI settings will affect the font size in many applications, including Outlook, which may help make the message list font larger and easier to read. Keep in mind that changing the DPI setting will also affect other elements on your screen.
If you still require further assistance with this or have any other questions, feel free to ask!
