Windows 10 password issues


Honorable Member
Jan 6, 2017
Don't know what gives with my password. Win10 no longer sees it as legit. I entered it about 5 times and it then worked. After downloading a file to install software it then refused the password again... and then it worked. What do I do about this problem? and what has caused it to fail and then work. any ideas?

Well if you're talking about a local account then all Windows does is run what you type through a hashing algorithm which provided you type the correct password will always produce the same hash value. This value is compared against what it has saved for your account. If it matches you're granted access. If it's off by even 1 character the hash will not match.
Type your password correctly. That or you have a bad keyboard.

Well, I can imagine incorrect typing to be the culprit for one, two and possibly 3 attempts but not 5. Plus the password for the standard account works - this is for the admin account password.

Well if you're talking about a local account then all Windows does is run what you type through a hashing algorithm which provided you type the correct password will always produce the same hash value. This value is compared against what it has saved for your account. If it matches you're granted access. If it's off by even 1 character the hash will not match.

This would refer to storing passwords in credential manager which is different than the SAM database where usernames and password hashes are stored for login authentication. Passwords are stored as hashes which are not clear text but still susceptible to hash cracking. Pin and biometric data are all stored differently and are encrypted.

I had to go reference a book. The pin is not stored on the hard drive, but in the TPM and I believe the biometric data is as well.
