
New Member
Nov 14, 2009
Okay so I am the administrator on an asus laptop, and i have my password when i start up the computor and randomly the password has stopped working. I will enter it, my screen will say WELCOME and then say wrong password. I dont understand whats going on, its all numbers so Caps isnt an issue, but im locked out of my computor please help

I have a registry script for automatic logon,

Give me a minute to locate it.

Copy and paste the following lines between the quotes and paste it into Notepad. Choose and files from the drop down menu name it autologon,reg. You have to manually type the .reg. Make sure you choose ANSI format when saving the file.

Now double click on the autologon.reg file to merge it into the registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"DefaultUsername"="input your username"
I have a registry script for automatic logon,

Give me aminute to locate it.

I have a registry script for automatic logon,

Give me a minute to locate it.

Copy and paste the following lines between the quotes and paste it into Notepad. Choose and files from the drop down menu name it autologon,reg. You have to manually type the .reg. Make sure you choose ANSI format when saving the file.

Now double click on the autologon.reg file to merge it into the registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"DefaultUsername"="input your username"

Maybe you can find something to help here. Sorry I can't be of more help. I've never run into this problem.

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Okay so I am the administrator on an asus laptop, and i have my password when i start up the computor and randomly the password has stopped working. I will enter it, my screen will say WELCOME and then say wrong password. I dont understand whats going on, its all numbers so Caps isnt an issue, but im locked out of my computor please help
Reghakr buddy. I think she can't get in her computer at all. Notice the last sentence?


Note to self, read the damn question reghakr.

Not resonsible for any danage:
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You have to burn the ISO image
