
Senior Member
May 23, 2009
Last week, the Windows Explorer disappeared, and I could not get it to pin back. I finally found some place that had a check list of items pinned to the taskbar. Explorer was still marked, I unmarked it, closed everything out, (said oh s**t, I'll never find that again), tried successfully to repin the icon. This morning the icon had been replaced with a white broken folder, the one with the two squiggly lines through it, and would not work. I clicked on "unpin", now I can't get it it pin back, and of course can not remember where I found that screen that worked.
I have been on so much pain medication the last month or so my memory has not been so good.

I had same problem and i solved it look you need to go to Shortcut Arrow - Change, Remove, or Restore - Windows 7 Forums and find [FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]3.To restore Defauld shortcut Arrow [/FONT]and download that .reg file and right click on it and click "Merge" then click run,yes,yes,ok and restart computer then try to pin to taskbar ... it worked for me i wish that work to you too :)
