
New Member
Jun 27, 2010
Hi there, first time poster so please be easy on me. Im pretty sure this is the right place for this to be; but if not i opologise.

Basically ill explain my issue. 3 weeks ago i upgraded my system from XP32bit > Win 7 64bit. Now everything on the system is running perfectly fine. Now when i first got the system all booted up and running i downloaded the opera browser as it is my much more prefered browser of choice, i have never really been a fan of IE.

Now this is where the trouble then started. 2 hours after installing Opera it decided it did not want to connect to the internet through that browser anymore for no apparent reason:confused:. So i thought fine maybe its a win 7 issue. So i decided to download firefox; 2-3 hrs later that did the same thing to me. And finally i decided "fine ill try chrome". that never made it past 30 mins and that started doing the same thing also.

So after all this for the past 2 week or so i have been using IE and its been working ok i guess. just using it for minimal stuff. Now last night it also decided that it no longer wanted to connect to the internet through the browser and just gave me a blank screen with "diagnose problem" which clicking it finds nothing wrong.
Now i have gone into the options and reset all the settings and tried to see if that worked (saw that in another thread) but that has not helped at all.

Now the funny thing is after going through it all and now currently running IE but the 64 bit version this 1 connects to the internet (for now) but still the others dont.

Now im no tech guy that knows all the issues and how to fix them which is why i have come here to ask for some help. Now obviously i have no idea where i would start and what info you want exactly so ill leave it at this and hope some one can help me out.
Obviously if your needing any info from my system feel free to ask and ill supply you with any info i can.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: i forgot to mention no i dont have any itunes software or anything like that installed on my computer. (read about that in another thread also)

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Ok good news.

Seems i have just managed to sort out the issue myself, but it has also left me baffled.

Basically i just had a thought about disabling my firewall on my AVG command center to see if that worked and it did :o so i checked also if i set it to "allow all" and thats working also. So i am now able to again use my firefox and IE8 32 bit.

But the thing that has confused me is why would the firewall block the internet access to those browsers all of a sudden when it was on the safelist within the firewall preferences; especially concidering the browsers where working then just stopped ?

Either way thank you guys for your speedy responces and the help you have offered it has been very much appreciated :razz:

If there is...
Are you wireless or Ethernet?
Sounds like a possible hardware problem, more than Software. There are several possibilities open.
The simplest, and not so likely, is overheating of a connection device. (A router, if you are using one? Netgear are notorious for overheating.)
In the device manager, do you have any yellow annotations on the network adapters?
If you are using a card, make sure it is secure, and check any plugs, cables etc.
Are you able to ping any sites from the Command prompt?

Are you wireless or Ethernet?
Sounds like a possible hardware problem, more than Software. There are several possibilities open.
The simplest, and not so likely, is overheating of a connection device. (A router, if you are using one? Netgear are notorious for overheating.)
In the device manager, do you have any yellow annotations on the network adapters?
If you are using a card, make sure it is secure, and check any plugs, cables etc.
Are you able to ping any sites from the Command prompt?

Thanks for the responce. Ok we will go through them 1 by 1.

Im currently running the computer via a wireless USB adapter (Belkin N1 ) and the Netgear (lol) N series Router downstairs in the living room (pc is in the study upstairs), Now the router is only 4 days old because i ordered a new one from my ISP (Virgin Media) who i have a 10Meg Fiber Optic connection with. So i cant see why that would be causing any issues, because this happened before that arrived.

I had checked in the device manager before, but checked again and no there is nothing out of the ordinary there; no yellow triangles or anything.

Yes im able to ping from the cmd promt ran a ping test as shown below.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
C:\Users\WOW>ping bbc.co.uk
Pinging bbc.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=119
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 15ms

Like i said earlier i am able to connect to the net via the IE8 64 bit version, but obviously stuff that needs Adobe player wont work in the 64 bit browser as its not supported yet, think i was reading its available on linux or something and there working on geting it to desktop soon.

I am also able to use the net to play computer games online, so kinda confusing why firefox, opera, chrome and IE8 32 bit browsers have stopped working; yet the IE8 64 verion is working fine(atm).

If theres anything else you would like to know please let me know.

Kind regards.

Why do I think this is going to be a long thread - lol!
Maybe we had better start with elimination.
Try the ISP modem connection straight into the ethernet socket on the computer (Bypassing the router) and see of Firefox etc are working.

Why do I think this is going to be a long thread - lol!
I was having a feeling it would be something as simple as maybe changing a few settings but by that reply id guess thats not the case :P

Try the ISP modem connection straight into the ethernet socket on the computer (Bypassing the router) and see of Firefox etc are working.
Tried that just now. Pain in the arse lumping the desktop up and down the stairs lmao. But no that didnt effect it in any way.

Outta curiousity (and because its the only other browser i know) i download safari (without that other crap that comes with it) and thats working fine. But yet the others are still not working. :confused::confused::confused:

Please copy and paste this ip address into the address bar of a browser that isn't working and see if you get a google web page to load.
I'm not sure exactly what your problem is, I may have not read correctly or over looked exactly what the problem is, but are you receiving an error or are you just getting a "page cannot be displayed" browser error?
Does the network and sharing center show that you have internet access?
Open task manager and see if you have something called mdnsresponder running as a process under the processes tab.

Also you might note that:
One of the other forum moderators "Celestra" has posted what I consider, a very useful link to some diagnostic steps for Internet Explorer, that may help with your issue. Take a look here Link Removed

Hi there, and thanks for your responce.

The error im getting is a Unable to connect. I tried conecting directly through that IP that you gave me and both IE8 32 bit and Firefox gave me the usual unable to connect error.

I also had a look through the task manager and didnt see the processer that you mentioned. I will have a look at the other link you posted earlier and see if theres anything in there that helps also, so thank you.

Ok so i checked out the link you gave me and ran the repair tool and it did not find anything wrong. Just says "Troubleshooting complete, we did not detect any issues common to this problem and therefore, no fixes where applied."

So it seems its something outside that :confused:

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Ok good news.

Seems i have just managed to sort out the issue myself, but it has also left me baffled.

Basically i just had a thought about disabling my firewall on my AVG command center to see if that worked and it did :o so i checked also if i set it to "allow all" and thats working also. So i am now able to again use my firefox and IE8 32 bit.

But the thing that has confused me is why would the firewall block the internet access to those browsers all of a sudden when it was on the safelist within the firewall preferences; especially concidering the browsers where working then just stopped ?

Either way thank you guys for your speedy responces and the help you have offered it has been very much appreciated :razz:

If there is anything else i need to know please do inform me. But thanks for your time none the less.

Darn. Well done Dragoona. Why didn't I think of that!!
Unbelievably, Whilst in the middle of this thread, I posted up in another thread that there were Firewall isues with the latest AVG in Windows 7:(

Darn. Well done Dragoona. Why didn't I think of that!!
Unbelievably, Whilst in the middle of this thread, I posted up in another thread that there were Firewall isues with the latest AVG in Windows 7:(

It happens to the best of us ^^ I think ill have to have a read up on known issues with AVG now. Win 7 is awsome but damn it brings all the troubles along with it lol.

Thanks for all your help though RAK its been very much appreciated.

GL for future prospects :)
