Windows 7 Robocopy / view backed up files on external drive


New Member
Started using robocopy to do my backups. In my command lines, i can specify directories on a external drive to backup to.Some directories show up and i see everything. My most important directory " my documents" DOESNT SHOW UP. I have confirmed a backup is occuring, via log file and properties on the backup folder. I edited it down to a backup of only that folder. Log file shows good, external drive shows the "backup" root directory and properties ( size, number of files) match log file. Open up the backup folder, NOTHING LISTED. I have to run the script as adminstrator , my user is admin also, but if i run it as myself, it cant access the folder. I think im dealing with a rights issue, i have edited security on the external drive, even reformatted it , still nothing shows up
I had a situation the other day where I could not see the files in a folder on my primary drive when I looked for them through Documents. I could see them if I went to the Users folders directly.

It seems changing the way the files were shown, large icon, small, details, etc. corrected the situation and I could see them from the Documents folder also.

If that has no effect, you might try starting Windows Explorer is Admin mode to see if it makes a difference.
Perhaps if you don't copy the attributes just data and timestamp
cd /d %~dp0
robocopy %userprofile%\Documents /MIR %~dp0\Documents /E /COPYT /PURGE /R:1 /W:5
thats COPY colon DT can't get this to go advanced with maxthon
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Perhaps if you don't copy the attributes just data and timestamp
cd /d %~dp0
robocopy %userprofile%\Documents /MIR %~dp0\Documents /E /COPYT /PURGE /R:1 /W:5
thats COPY colon DT can't get this to go advanced with maxthon
good idea, same results