
New Member
Jul 5, 2015
Hi there!

So as the title says, I have started running into some issues with my PC. Recently (a few days back) I started getting seemingly random crashes that occur just about anywhere. At some point it happened when I tried to rename a folder, and at another it did it when I tried to save a VST synth patch file in Cubase.

So I'm at a bit of a loss here, usually the computer just stops and reboots and tells me that the PC ran into a problem that caused it to restart. Googling around has lead me to the event viewer and I found the errors in the system tab which reads;

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was 0x000000d1 (0x0000000000000074, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff88007e548de). A dump was saved in CWindowsMEMORY.DMP. Report Id 070415-11390-01.

Any help is much appreciated, and I have never experienced this problem with that PC before, it just started 3-4 days ago, until that I've had the computer up and running flawlessly for almost a year.

P.S If I have forgotten to provide any relevant information and such, please let me know as I am not familiar with how to sort these kind of problems out. I was half thinking about that memory.dmp file but its close to 500mb in size so perhaps I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance,

The bug check means what the link mentions.


Have you added any new drivers lately or any new software?

If you look in the Advanced Properties you will see a dialog box with and Advanced tab. Use that and go to Startup and Recovery, then the Settings button. Set it to use a small kernel dump instead of Automatic memory dump. You will then have access to a smaller dump file in the Minidump folder in the Windows directory. You can attach that file, and if you end up with several you can zip them.

There should be a tutorial in the BSOD forum to explain all this. I just haven't looked at it lately.
The bug check means what the link mentions.


Have you added any new drivers lately or any new software?

If you look in the Advanced Properties you will see a dialog box with and Advanced tab. Use that and go to Startup and Recovery, then the Settings button. Set it to use a small kernel dump instead of Automatic memory dump. You will then have access to a smaller dump file in the Minidump folder in the Windows directory. You can attach that file, and if you end up with several you can zip them.

There should be a tutorial in the BSOD forum to explain all this. I just haven't looked at it lately.

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Hey, thanks a lot for the reply!

Yes, actually I did update my graphics card drivers around that same time so a direct correlation seems quite likely.

I read through that link and managed to get a general idea of what is going on, even though half of it is written in a foreign language. (I'm not that tech savy)

I also understand your directions and will get to it when I'm back home again. In the meanwhile, do I need to wait for this issue to present itself again before sending the new smaller kernel dump, or will it create one based on existing ones I can send right away?

Thanks again,

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You need to wait for the smaller one. If one of the moderators comes by they may move this thread to the BSOD forum. The folks who can read a dump file will normally hang out there.

OK, I'll do that while I'm still hoping I won't have to. :)

Thanks a bunch for your time and help, it's much appreciated.


So upon reading some more online, I've found that it has actually created a minidump as well as a complete memory dump. Should I just upload the minidump here right now?

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