Windows 10 Thinkpad 10 tablet keeps providing power to usb port??


Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
Hello again,

I am attempting to use my thinkpad 10 tablet ( Windows) as a car front end.

I am getting there ( ), but am still stuck by some problems.

One of these is power management.

I have various peripherals connected via a separately powered usb hub.

so........ I don't need any power to the hub from the tablet.

If I am not going to be away from the car for long, rather than shutting down the tab, I sleep it .

Althougth power to the tab and the powered hub is removed, the tablet still gives power to the hub from its battery reserve.

The hub has seven peripherals attached, so it can represent quite a drain to the tablet on battery.

I have tried to prevent usb ( selective suspend), and also tried to check for windows powering down any usb devices to save power in Device Manager.

Still, every time the car removes power, the usb port on the tablet is still active??

Has anybody any ideas?

-- by the way, I have no option in BIOS for usb power, and I also tried to make a USB cable DATA only- no luck ------

Many Thanks

In this case I would just switch to using Hibernate which will power off the usb ports as well.

Thanks for the reply.

That is an option- it 's just that starting up from hiberfile take's a lot longer, and if I am only away for .a coffee, return from sleep is satisfyingly immediate.

Also my setup is not very reliable with resumptiom from hibernation.

i guess I could be pragmatic, and measure how much battery drain there is when asleep for say 2 hours ( the max time I would be away), and if it is not more than say 30%, just live with it!

Many Thanks
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