Please fill in your Computer Specs under
My Profile using
Settings >
Edit Profile > scroll down to
Operating System:. Finally
Save Changes.
This would be a great help to other Forum Members who are trying to troubleshoot your problems.
If you are unsure of your specs., you can download and run
Speccy which will help you with the main details.
Helpful things to fill in would be:
Operating system and whether it is 32bit (x86) or 64bit (x64),
Which Service Pack,
Motherboard Mfr. and model number,
CPU Type and Speed,
BIOS Version,
Memory (RAM) Mfr. and model number,
Video Card Type and Speed,
Power Supply Unit (PSU) Mfr. and Wattage.
If it's a pre-built system or laptop/notebook, the Mfr. and model number would also certainly come in very handy.
This will help to take some of the guesswork out of analysing your problems.