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Windows Forum Admin
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Aug 28, 2007
To help out those who would help you please include as much detail about the problem as you can. State which os your using, 32bit 0r 64 and either basic,home or ultimate. Include your system spec as well as any changes you may have made recently.
This will allow the answer to be found much more quickly...:cool:

Good call ickymay, you're exactly right.

All members can then view the question.

This is all well and good to have these diagnostics, but how will I know how to fix it? I'm so frustrated... I've spent hours and hours trying to repair my system.. even done a full System Restore... and the problems are still there.

Sorry, just venting. But it is really difficult to even understand these forums, let alone fix my problem.

This is all well and good to have these diagnostics, but how will I know how to fix it? I'm so frustrated... I've spent hours and hours trying to repair my system.. even done a full System Restore... and the problems are still there.

Sorry, just venting. But it is really difficult to even understand these forums, let alone fix my problem.

well the idea is we get you to run diagnostics and give us as many clues as possible to find the cause then from there it's going to be faulty software interaction or incompatibility or drivers for your hardware or a faulty device which we can then hopefully help you identify then fix ;)

start your own thread and you will get individual treatment ideas and help from experts and other forum users who have had similar problems and found the cure :cool:

it would be good to lock this Thread :D

Anyone have problems with their computers

Please Start a new Thread

[langtitle=lt]Re: How to identify the cause of YOUR problem[/langtitle]

Turiu stai toke problemele.Pirkaus HP Pavilion dv6 laptopa ir nuo antros turejomo savaites jis man pradejo tokius fokusus rodyt:
įjungti iseina(čia jau geriausiu atveju) is antro karto,nes pirma kart paspaudus mygtuka buna tik juodas ekranas ir klaveturos lemputes mirksincios..
po to pats kada sugalvoja išsijune ir vel tuoj pat įsijunge..
žiurin filma paima ir uzstrinaga,vaizdas stovi vietoje o garsas toliau eina ir ne vienas klaveturos mygtukas nereguoja..galima spaudyt ka nori niekaip.suveike tik issiungimo mygtukas.
is pradziu vis mesdavo lentele su back up.... nzn kam to reike tai atmesdavau,dabar si lentele nebeisoka.
pas mane windows7,gal kox uzrakras yra ar kazkas tokio,kad sitaip darosi?buvau nunesus atgal kur pirktas,kad pataisytu,bet atsiemiau su visom tom paciom problemom,nieko nepadare.Gal kam taip buvo nutike ir zinot kame cia problema?[/lang]

Please fill in your Computer Specs under My Profile using Settings > Edit Profile > scroll down to Operating System:. Finally Save Changes.

This would be a great help to other Forum Members who are trying to troubleshoot your problems.

If you are unsure of your specs., you can download and run Speccy which will help you with the main details.


Helpful things to fill in would be:

Operating system and whether it is 32bit (x86) or 64bit (x64),
Which Service Pack,
Motherboard Mfr. and model number,
CPU Type and Speed,
BIOS Version,
Memory (RAM) Mfr. and model number,
Video Card Type and Speed,
Power Supply Unit (PSU) Mfr. and Wattage.

If it's a pre-built system or laptop/notebook, the Mfr. and model number would also certainly come in very handy.

This will help to take some of the guesswork out of analysing your problems.


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Good alternative Joe, Since coming off XP I forget about Belarc!

Operating system and whether it is 32bit (x86) or 64bit (x64),Which Service Pack ........Link Removed - Invalid URL
Link Removed - Invalid URL

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Re: [langtitle=lt]Re: How to identify the cause of YOUR problem[/langtitle]

Any ideas what a Error code: 0x080070571 is?

Re: [langtitle=lt]Re: How to identify the cause of YOUR problem[/langtitle]

If you have a BSOD STOP error, please see Link Removed

It's a bit necro, but this is really a main point. I was a moderator in, and people shouting "HELP! What's wrong with my computer / game?" never really got any help unless they could provide specs. Quite obvious?

Not knowing this Forum very well, and not trying to guide you, I think MSI Forum has quite a good posting guide, POSTING GUIDE - please read!

No offense, I'm sure you understand it.

Everest is another software for finding out what's in a machine.

Windows 8 will tell you w/out adding anything.

Link Removed

I think this is a problem of non-professionals - I'm not a professional, but I've had some experience in the area, and thus I've come to learn something of the information one should give... pros always know what to tell, whereas amateurs don't know what to ask.

I may be overdoing it, but could some sort of a form / connected to a test program = showing system specs "automatically" with one's question ------ I lost it.

BUT: like I say, connect Everest to technical questions presented here. I'm quite sure many software makers, like HWiNFO I prefer to use, would be interested to co-operate. WHY NOT HAVE A DIRECT LINK FROM QUESTION MADE TO SYSTEM INFO GIVEN? Presuming the question maker will accept it. Getting and giving the system info isn't that easy, why not give people a shortcut?

Why press people to find out about their system, leading to them use the software you recommend, instead of having the software right at hand automatically cooperating with the ones giving answers.

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