
Active Member
Jun 9, 2013
Respected Sir,

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits but when I try to take backup following
error message was displayed:

The backup application could not start due to an internal error:

The service cannot be started,either because it is disabled or because it is
disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.(0x80070422).

Block Level Backup Engine Service also be not running when I try to run this service
manually following error message was displayed :

Windows could not start the Block Level Backup Engine Service service on Local

Error 0x800700b7: Cannot create a file when that file already exits.
I already reinstall the operating system, run under safe mode and clean boot by
using msconfig, run scf/scannow under command prompt but the problem not
solved.Provide me solution for this.

Are you trying to make a system image, or a file backup, or both?

Have you modified any settings such as the indexing or search services?

What location are you using for the backups and what relationship is that to the Primary Hard drive?

Let's start with the Block Level Backup Engine Service (wbengine). In the services panel (services.msc), mine shows as Manual Startup and not running. I can start it with or without the Windows Backup service running. Since it does not depend on anything, it should start. If it does show as running, try stopping it.

The Windows Backup Service is also a Manual Startup, but is running. It depends on Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and DCOM Server Process Launcher and the RPC Endpoint Mapper. These must be running, so you might check them.
I am take backup by using backup & restore option available under control panel.I am not modified any settings.All other services such as Remote Procedure Call (RPC),DCOM Server Process Launcher and RPC Endpoint Mapper are running.But Block Level Backup Engine Service not running.If I tried to run it manually above mentioned error message displayed.I also reinstall OS but problem was not solved.Provide me solution.
If you have reinstalled Windows with a clean install and not added any other software, there is no normal reason the WBENGINE should not start.

If the error message is correct, it appears a file cannot be created because it is already there. The only thing that might block such an action could be an anti-virus of some type. If you have not done so and do have one running, you might try turning it off.

I suppose a virus could be involved but I have not heard of one that messed with the backup system. And a clean install should have eliminated that possibility.

There is a possibility something about your install media is corrupted if a clean install does not repair the problem.

I do not know of a way to "reset" you backup system to the original condition.

But I really don't have an answer.

This isn't really an answer, but if you aren't having any other problems with your computer, you might want to try using Paragon Backup.

It's free, and seems to work well, and it's pretty easy to use.

I don't install it on my computer I run both the backup and recovery mode from the DVD so it's really running in Linux and doesn't depend on Windows to do the job.

Paragon Backup & Recovery Free - CNET Download.com

Sometimes it's easier to work around the problem then it is beating a dead horse.

At least you would have a system image, and if you find an answer later you can always do both.
You can't be too safe. LOL

I would, also, like the question answered... To where or to what do you want the Backup? To an external drive or ____ ?


The options are an External Drive, a Separate Internal Drive, (not a partition, if the drive fails you will lose both) or DVDS.

If you have a small enough C:\ drive then you could do it to disks and make the backup self bootable. I have a backup like this for my original setup before software was installed, on a Flash Drive (another option).

Just put in disk number one and install the backup.

For most people this isn't a real option because it would take a whole stack of disks.

I have my backup on a second hard drive in my computer, but the best bet is to create it on an external drive that you only turn on when you are using it. The drive will get little use, be protected from malware, and the backup will not depend on your internal drives.

I recently got hit by lightning, all of my data (everything) was backed up on several external drives and I didn't lose anything.

It could have been a disaster, I don't use a backup program to backup my data, I copy the files uncompressed to my backup drive.

I don't want to take the risk of having a corrupted backup file that won't open.
I've had that happen in the past.

I Now have one master plug I can pull, and I unplug everything during thunderstorms.

Speaking of storms & other AC power events... It is a very good/wise practice to always have a surge protector between one's computer & peripheral gear and the electrical outlet.


As I found out, a surge protector isn't enough to protect you from a lightning strike.
The hit actually melted the contacts on the dish antenna and even took out the fan on our heating system, and all of our phones.

It easily jumped the surge protector and killed my mother board, video card and ram, it also did in may router which was also surge protected and of course the satellite box totally got fried.

At least the house didn't catch fire. LOL

Since then my nephew who is an electrician came and installed new grounds on both ends of the house so the strike doesn't have to travel through the house from one end to the other, which is what happened this time.

The Dish guy actually said they are not allowed to put in an external ground wire, while my nephew was here removing the Dish internal one and replacing it with his own.


Ps. I had to replace all the surge protectors too.
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In spite of certain scenarios that certainly can happen, it is, still, a good practice to have a surge protector between AC & computer gear. Generally speaking it is definitely better than not having one, @ least, for most possible electrical events. It is something wise though there are no guarantees in life, sometimes. Sorry, it didn't save to day in your specific occurrence... sounds like it was quite extreme.

And, yes, no kidding good you didn't lose the house to fire!

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