Windows 8 VS2012 tile icon changed to large white square


Senior Member
I’m running VS2012 on a Windows8 64-bit computer. I posted this on the Microsoft Windows8 forum, but received no replies.
After running the VS2012 update (I started it from within VS and then closed VS) I went to the Start Screen and the icon in the VS2012 tile is now a white square. I unpinned it from the start screen. I typed in "Visual" and found the tile. It had the correct icon on the tile. When I select to pin it to the Start Screen, it still shows a white square instead of the VS icon.

Can you right click on the icon, select Properties, Customise, Change Icon, and change it back to the default Icon?
Just navigate to the location of the original Visual Studio Icon file.

Make sure you are pinning the .exe file and not the icon file itself.
