
New Member
Dec 22, 2009
And then I get a small message about Windows not being able to measure video playback performance. It has happened through two different graphics cards, X1950 Pro and HD 4670. Drivers are up to date (barring the Catalyst released a couple of days ago).

AMD X2 6000+
ATi HD 4670
4Gb DDR 2
Asus M2v-MX
Win 7 Home

Here is the Winsat log;

030201 (0844) - winsat\logging.cpp:0815: --- START 2009\7\13 22:08:30 PM ---
030232 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:4301: Command Line = "D:\Windows\system32\winsat.exe" moobe -cancelevent 849bd0b4-8fa1-4e71-8c56-8fdbbf2e34d1 -moobegoevent 27423f94-1309-49e2-9e93-e31a7cd77d2f
030232 (0844) - winsat\processwinsaterror.cpp:0095: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
030357 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:4474: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=TRUE.
030420 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:4585: Watch dog system enabled
030420 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:4592: Main watch dog timer set to 60.0 seconds
030638 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2505: > DWM not running.
031746 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp:0983: > Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
031761 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2793: > power policy saved.
031886 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp:1015: > Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
031902 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2814: > power policy set to maximum.
032307 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp:1030: HRESULT = 8876086a
032323 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp:1030: Error: Unable to create the D3D device
032323 (0844) - d3d\dx9misc.cpp:1030: Error: Unable to check the capabilities of the video card because a d3d device could not be created
032463 (0844) - winsat\logging.cpp:1763: ERROR: pahse enter/leave imballance
032463 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:0948: > IsOfficial=TRUE IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=TRUE RanOverTs=FALSE RanOnbatteries=FALSE
032479 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:1775: > Run Assessment features
033009 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:1775: > Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 12 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
033150 (0844) - d3d\graphicsop.cpp:0263: Driver is not WDDM; aborting assessment.
033446 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
033462 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2037: > DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
033524 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:4018: > Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 0
033540 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:1274: Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
033540 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:1480: > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
033571 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:0948: > IsOfficial=TRUE IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=TRUE RanOverTs=FALSE RanOnbatteries=FALSE
033680 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:1274: Limiting DWM Score to 1.0 - no DX9 capability
033696 (0844) - winsat\processresults.cpp:1480: > Wrote disk score to the registry 0
033696 (0844) - common\winsatutilities.cpp:1382: cannot access the winast API registry key; 2 The system cannot find the file specified.
033789 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2339: > Finalized MOOBE key
033836 (0844) - winsat\syspowertools.cpp:1015: > Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
033836 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2855: > Power state restored.
033852 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2873: > Not necessary to reenable EMD cache.
033945 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:2899: INFO: DwmpRestartComposition() did not return OK!
033961 (0844) - winsat\watchdog.cpp:0311: Watch dog system shutdown
033977 (0844) - winsat\main.cpp:4909: > exit value = 0.

Try checking the Event logs ubder Windows logs and see if there are any red or yellow warnings.

If there are any, post the EventID
Is your system bios the latest version?

Yes it is.

In fact the problem has persisted through three bios updates as well.

What are you trying to do when you get this error mesage?Aew you trying ti do a performance test?

I've had problems with that in the past myself.

It seemed to heal itself.

Try Windows Update to make sure your fies are updated, use the compuyrt for couple days, then give it another try.

Which edition of Windows 7 are you using? What results do you get if you try to play videos direct with the media player (or any third party program you have installed)

Try checking the Event logs ubder Windows logs and see if there are any red or yellow warnings.

If there are any, post the EventID
