Windows 10 What sound cards are people using that don't have issues in W10TP?


Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

I'm about to give up on trying to make my Sound Blaster Audigy card work with Windows 10 TP.
It's been a problem ever since Windows 8.1 came out, it won't work with any drivers other then the ones that came with it, and Windows doesn't want me to use them.

Now in the new build it quits every time the computer reboots or goes to sleep.

I'd like to replace it with something that other people are using that works on the automatically install drivers.

So what sound cards are people having good luck with?



I thought about that, maybe I can give that a try at least temporarily.
I've always had a separate sound card since my first computer but I know that on-board sound is a lot better then it used to be.

I've run into more problems since the sound issue anyway.

I did figure out that it wasn't turning on my Audio Services, and starting that got some of my sound working, not quite right because it kept insisting on loading the new drivers.

But then I discovered that every time I launched my video in Stereo 3D it crashed my computer and I had to do a hard reboot which messed up the sound again. I checked and it said that the correct drivers were loaded, I was going to reinstall them anyway but...

It launched with a black screen indicating that the monitor wasn't seeing any signal from the video card at all.

At that point I restored it back to 9926 and everything it working again.

I'm going to try and resist updating and install from my 10041 disk to my other hard drive and try and work out the issues there.


I'm also having sound issues since my tech preview updated to build 10041. My laptop has a realtek sound board, but now it says it can't find the drivers for it. I tried to download and install the drivers I had on it (Win8 previously) and I always get a connection time out during installation. Does anyone know if there are Win10 friendly drivers for Realtek anywhere?


Thanks for the input, if I keep having problems I'll try switching to an Asus card.
I finally got everything working at 2:00 am last night but the sound was the biggest problem.

I made a system image as soon as it was up and running but I've been fighting the sound issues since Windows 8.1 came out.


"I did figure out that it wasn't turning on my Audio Services, and starting that got some of my sound working, not quite right because it kept insisting on loading the new drivers."

I have a 2012 Asus G75vw - The best laptop that 2012 could buy for a professional photographer and videographer.
I upgraded to Windows 10 last week, and to be honest, it took a while for the problems to kick in.
3 problems I have been having today, and yesterday...

1) My audio turning off at random. It seems when I disable my audio, and re enable it, it fixes it.. Until the next crash
2) If I plug headphones in, it's not recognizing them.

"I did figure out that it wasn't turning on my Audio Services, and starting that got some of my sound working, not quite right because it kept insisting on loading the new drivers." - I have the latest drivers, and my laptop is top of the line.. I've even been told that there isn't really technology out that is better than this, at the moment technology is only getting smaller.. not better.

Problem 3) iTunes won't recognize any of my devices.. Windows will, but iTunes won't.. It's a known problem with no fix that I can find.

4) today the Microsoft browser would not open, I was getting Exe errors, and Chrome wouldn't open either.. I couldn't even click on the start menu to reboot.

Is there a fix to the audio problem?


I never got my Sound Blaster card to work reliably, even after installing the retail build.
Windows kept replacing my working drivers with ones of its own.

I finally just switched to my on-board audio and it's worked fine since.

My friend just upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 and is having the same kind of audio issues that I did with his Sound Blaster card.

I have to say that I don't really hear the difference between the two, on-board sound chips have come a long way.


The sound in my Asus S500c is fine with WX... its a soundmaster so thats not a surprise however I like the W8 interface better with the tool made by Asus because I have greater control over the mix.

To be fair to Microsoft, most people buy laptops to play itunes or watch porn online so these guys don't care about trip/ bass mix and the sound still SOUNDS good.
