You know, here's the irony to all this... I have been using, running, up live on my monitor, (my NON-TOUCH monitor, btw) Windows 8 since September 2011. In this, I am certainly not alone or unique. I sat through the entire Keynote @ BUILD, when Win8 & the Dev Preview were presented. I have done a wee bit (wink) of reading & research regarding Win8 and Start/Desktop/Search, specifically. The (known) Start, that grew from Win95 to Win7, has been retired. Bear in mind, what there MAY BE once we go from the Beta to RTM & GA, is not known, basically.... there may, (who knows) end up being available some sort of 'traditional' Start Menu, once Desktop is selected. Basing any judgements of what we will see @ the end of 2012, on the Dev Preview would be ridiculous! That said, here's the point... I am in/on Windows 8, as we speak. It is blazing fast and the display & graphics nothing but, striking & impressive. IF, (& yes, I know this is the big obstacle or not) one actually, open-mindedly, willingly, in an interested, adventurous fashion uses Win8 AND Start (screen), HANDS-ON, it is just so bloody cool it makes one smile & chuckle. Dig this bit... & I swear this transcends Search function which, certainly there is but, anyway... be on the Start (screen) & just begin to type, in the middle of nowhere, what ever you want... in the PC, photos, files, a drive, et al...anything on the web, any App, Service, Function.... ANYTHING & immediately it's in front of you.. it's easy, fast, fun. Reading this thread vs using Windows 8 AND on a NON-TOUCH screen makes me laugh out loud. IF, one gets to know Win8 & Start, how (well) it works, how darn neat its abilities & functionality is, what a joy it is, well, then.... It is so cool, funky, brilliant, EASY TO USE & quick, that it does, indeed, make this thread comedy & Watercooler material. Kindest Regards, Drew. NB: (My) Windows 8 install is a virtual machine, 1Gb RAM (assigned), 4Gb on Win7 host. Win8 space required/.iso is less than 40 Gb w/ x64 & just under 30 w/ x86.