The new laptop bioses are set up to use the Windows 8 secure boot. You will probably have to change some settings in that bios, so look for something mentioning CSM and/or secure boot.
If you are going to install Windows 7 as a replacement for Windows 8, it might be best to clean the drive with Diskpart prior to starting the install. But this is a little hard for me to advise regarding the original install and the recovery for that, in case needed. But it depends on how the system was set up and what recovery/install media you have.
A Windows 7 DVD needs to be booted in the UEFI mode, and the bios may already be set up to see only UEFI versions...another possible settings change for you. If you use the Boot Device menu, you should see two listings for the DVD drive, with one showing a UEFI version. That is what you will need to install on a GPT drive. Once you clean the drive with Diskpart, it will no longer be GPT, unless you reinstall using the UEFI configuration.
Let us know exactly how you want to handle it and we will get it done.... I will assume your OEM Windows 7 has not be previously used, or you feel you can install it without problems?