I'm a little late to this party since I missed an entire week the 2nd week of April when the darn update came out (Tue. Apr. 11th). This post is for all having difficulties with the CU update, not just Bassie here. I have a Tech friend who is working with me on creating and disseminating documents about how to get the CU update through Windows Update (WU) mechanism built into W10. We've had quite a few discussions about why there is no problem with this Update, as there has been with Microsoft updates for nearly 3 years now. He is a new Board member at my local computer club. He wants people to be able to get the CU update and is creating a document to tell them how to get it, or force their computer to get it. He insists that there is no problem with the update itself and when I mention there are, Bassie you are a perfect example here, it fails to work. Repeatedly. He also tells me that he's contacted his daughter-in-law who is an Executive at Microsoft about this issue, and of course she defended the Update telling him to tell me that it's perfect 100% of the time! Bah, humbug! Not so, I'm afraid!
He upgraded all 4 of his laptops (3 Dell + 1 Samsung) with very few problems, but all 4 updated. He wanted to publish this document into our Club newsletter and on our website, and I said no. He went over my head to our Club President and a pissing contest ensued. My favorite part of this was the discussion about W10 Home not having the ability to disable or defer Updates coming into people's computers. In v1607 and earlier I only found out about that in Jan. 2017 this year. So Microsoft had only provided for users of W10 Pro versions who paid the premium bucks to achieve control over updates coming into their computers, disable capability and reschedule of random restarts that are update related. This whole thing exploded yesterday, and I insisted that he revise the document with several warnings and cautions about doing the Update in the first place; primarily the warning to Users that they must backup all their personal data from the computer that's about to be Updated to external media. Most of you familiar with my Posts see me put that into Posts all the time and it's prominent in my
What I found interesting on the plus side for the CU update is that when I attempted run the Update on my main desktop PC I use regularly, was that it completed without damaging my existing setup or producing odd quirks as done by v1607 and earlier updates. It went through very nicely in 2 hours. This is a first for any W10 version I've been using since 2014! However, when I attempted it on one of my Test machines that was running W10 Home, the CU update has failed every single time. This computer is a desktop that will be 10 years old this year and has had W7, W8.1, and W10 v1607 on it, and each time an upgrade was run with success. Soon as it attempted to upgrade to the CU v1703 version it failed-repeatedly! My friend in our discussion said I was doing something wrong, and that on some of his machines he had to repeat the Update attempt up to 3 times. I said I had done that at least 4 times. I'm am now trying a 5th time and of course expect the same failed result. He made some other lame arguments about why this document is important to let users who are getting notifications of W10 CU updates on their computers know that they can disable or delay the update from occurring. And that according to his information from Microsoft, over 400 million computers have been upgraded without incident! That's a statement I don't believe in any way shape or form, since we have hundreds of people posting here for help with the issue of failed or scrambled computers due to this very same update!! Not to mention, out of the 2 computers I tried to update; only 1 of 2 succeeded.
That's only a 50% success rate in my book. I have 8 other W10 machines to try the update on, which I will do over the next several weeks-stay tuned for that result. I certainly don't expect it to be 100%, and I am trying to get my friend to add a disclaimer in the document that this update is not guaranteed to work 100% of the time on 100% of all computers attempted. We'll see if I can get that done as well. You can see the flaw in his logic; just because he was able to update his 4 computers without problem he's telling us that Microsoft also says that have records of 400 Million successful W10 updates done. Arghhh!
I am also trying to put something in about the fact that the reason we are strongly urging users to backup all their data prior to letting the update into their computers and be installed, is just the facts that we have lots of evidence telling us that this update is better and works on some computers than earlier updates, but certainly is not 100% and scrambled computers abound; as are seen here on WF and other tech forums I'm on with a daily occurrence.
So, as before, the takeaway from this is that I personally am still recommending to all my Customers that there are flaws in the CU update, that it is
NOT 100% perfect, and further I recommend that they wait to do the Update, and if and when they do decide to do it, they should either attempt it via Clean Install via the MCT tool from Microsoft, or pay a licensed Tech to do it for them.
This is just one part of the discussion involving the CU update, the other part being that many Users are complaining about the fact that the Updates are coming into their computers without their knowledge or permission. This blocking of the Microsoft updates is improved in the v1703 version, but still has lots of problems. Time will tell whether the "blocking" is effective or not. It certainly hasn't been since the W10 RTM release back on July 29th 2015. According to my friend the Update will cause your computer to download and install the Update even without your persmission, and there's nothing you can do about it. Many Users are quite upset by this, and we've already had lots of discussion on this on other W10 upgrade threads.
We may never get to the bottom of your BSODs on that machine Bassie; but we will need your dumps to try and figure it out. In the meantime do you have another computer you can try the Update on? Lastly, it's possible that the hardware you have may never work with this CU update, or it may take several months for all the drivers used from Asus, and others to catch up with this update and it may all work with your existing hardware down the road. We're telling you not to bet the farm on this, as we have many folks who gave up and threw in the towel last year in August when the AU (Anniversary Update v1607) came out and their hardware would BSOD or Black Screen no matter how many BIOS, CHIPSET, driver updates they did.
They usually bought a new Mobo which in a self-built PC usually means you have to upgrade everything else; RAM, HDD, PSU, Case, etc. You should consider this possibility.