
New Member
May 7, 2009
I had Windows 7 beta working great on my Intel Core2Duo motherboard (DG965RY). Then I installed the Windows 7 RC. Now it will not connect to the internet through my router. The strange thing is that it will connect properly to the other systems on the network but not to the web. I tried reinstalling the chipset, management engine and LAN drivers with no success, even using Vista SP1 compatibility mode and running as administrator (all drivers are latest for Vista x64). The management engine does seem to install OK, but the others don't. The message is that it's the wrong version of Windows.

I could understand the issue if it also didn't work with the beta, but what changed with the RC to cause this?

Anyone else with similar problems?
Did you upgrade or do a clean install? I did a clean install and RC1 connected flawlessly through my ancient Linksys WRT54G.
Did you upgrade or do a clean install? I did a clean install and RC1 connected flawlessly through my ancient Linksys WRT54G.

Yes. And the internet was working during the installation because it was getting some files. But at the end, no internet, and I have the same router as you. I think it's a driver problem.
just keeping it simple first...did you reboot the router at all? are you sure your cat5 is still good? if your using the wrt54g with comcast, then did you clone the pc mac address to the router?
just keeping it simple first...did you reboot the router at all? are you sure your cat5 is still good? if your using the wrt54g with comcast, then did you clone the pc mac address to the router?

Yes, I rebooted the router. The cat5 is OK because it connects to other computers on the network, all of which connect to the internet just fine. And no Comcast here. None of these things would explain why drivers won't install which is why I think that's at least a part of the problem.
Yes. And the internet was working during the installation because it was getting some files. But at the end, no internet, and I have the same router as you. I think it's a driver problem.

Could you answer the important question from patrick?. "Yes" does not.
You might also what to go to Start > Run, and type cmd.

Then type ipconfig /all and see if you are grabbing the right IP number,look under Default Gateway and make sure it's not something like

Also look under Connection specific DNS suffix which should indicate your Internet provider.