Windows 7 Windows 7 desktop screenshot


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
I posted this on another thread but found this thread to be more specific to screenshots of the desktop so here it is again.

Only the wallpaper was changed and I resized the icons and moved them.

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uhhhh yeah i do to the guy with the 3.0 rating for his disk transfer rate. GO FREAKIN SATA 2 ALREADY! MY 500 GB HARD DISK DRIVE HAS A TRANSFER RATING OF 5.6! the only thing holding me back is my processor which is only 3.6 but my second computer has a 4.0 rating which will get better once i update the graphics card drivers!
Here is Mine I use Stardocks Object dock, Fences which is why icons are hidden and Winstep Start Bar. Also use various other Stardock programs Icon Packager Cursor FX plus
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My first day of 2010 with screenshots and wallpapers I'd like to share:

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