
New Member
May 20, 2009
Okay I'm going to try to sum this up my best before I go to bed. I put a 32 bit Windows 7 RC on a CD, Try to install several times, It always freezes completly at either the inital background after I pick my language, I move the hard drive over to another machine and install windows 7 from there, it works fine. I figure its my CD Drive as its given me problems so I move it over to my main computer, BSOD on startup, yet works fine from other computer. This makes me nearly 100% sure its a hardware issue. I also realize for my ram I needed 64 bit which I just tried a few minutes ago and gives me the same effect, I have Windows XP in my PC now ATM and I'd like to move to Windows 7, I was excited to try the RC and something is not right.
Some specs:

Motherboard: Microstar International MS-7246
Graphics Card: Nivida GeForce GTX 285
PRocessor: Quad Core Q6600
Ram: 2 sticks of 1GB Kingston DDR2 memory
Monitor: Viewsonic VA2026w

Any other specs needed?

Please help me out, I cant seem to find any topics similar, It only fails on my actual machine yet the installation or any windows 7 processes ( I even tried the startup repair utitlity for when it BSOD'd and that froze too ) works fine on multiple other computer I've tried it so I know its not the CD and a hardware issue or bios (Couldnt see how but wont rule it out) on my computer.

Thanks for any help you guys could give me, I know were all on Microsofts Boat-O-Beta thingy.
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are you trying the upgrade, if so it will not do it from XP only Vista and even then the copy of vista has to be SP 1. If you are (and sorry if I'm telling you how to suck eggs here) do the complete install dont worry it will not format the HDD and all your old docs, pic etc will be stored in Windows.old on the c drive.

If none of the above I'd check either the IDE/Sata cable you are using or check that the PC is seeing the drive in the bios, oh and another its not something silly like you boot options? just a few thoughts sorry if they are way off the mark
I'm trying to do a custom install after wiping XP off my machine, The sata cables are in and it boots fine.

Its just very strange it hangs on my Pc but not anyone elses, The only thing I could possibly think of is a drivers issue.

Oh and I can begin the installation running from Windows XP but when it restarts and is like 16% in expanding files and doesnt start in windows it freezes up so.. Could that be a clue?
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did the install DVD have matching checksums? It is possible that it was a bad download. Start checking there. And the point of no direct path for an XP upgrade is valid. YOU do need at least Vista with SP1 installed is my understanding.

Ocuh I need to correct this a bit. You can upgrade from XP, but you need to save all your personal info first, and then do a clean install. nSo I think I'm back to check the DVD to see if it's good.
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I wiped my hard drive and did custom instlal, I tried 3 different DVD's, 32 bit and 64 bit version all work on other pcs in my home but not mine as I've said I managed to install it onto my PC's hard drive from another PC

I also re-downloaded it 3 times, including a different verison.

It is most defiitly not the ISO, CD or anything like that, Its my PC rejecting anything Windows 7, I don't know why.
Perhaps a slightly malfunctioning DVD reader? Try and reburn the ISO at the very lowest speed you have available
Tried it just now, Same shit. 6 DVD-R's, I also forgot to add I can begin the installer throguh windows xp but once ti restarts to just out of os it freezes
Can you find out if the motherboard is Win 7 compatable by calling the manufactuor? Also, make sure ALL and I mean ALL USB devices, including mouse and keyboards are unplugged, along with any storage cards. My Guess is the Bios might be presenting problems. I seem to remember Vista had an issue with that when it first came out.

Dont think you will find its a motherboard issue . Windows 7 from all I hear runs on some fairly ancient boards
I tried doing it by dissconnecting all USB devices, No change. I don't think they would know if its Windows 7 combatibile because well, Its a Release Candidate. Until its publicly released I don't think theres much help I can get from companies (Except Microsoft)

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Look like someone had a similar issue with the same mother board when Vista first came out.

I don't think hey would honestly have an answer, Windows 7 is in the release candidate.

I just find it weird I can start installation via Windows XP but once its restarts out of Windows XP its fucked, What issue would that hint to? Its running from what exsactly since its not from an OS
Did you run the Widnows 7 Compatibility program to see if it turned up anything before installing?
This is the link. The program is still in beta, so be aware of that
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info world also has one called win sentinal pc tool. Requires registration.

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OK. Sorry. It looked like a different address to the one you had previously been given!
Try removing one stick of ram at a time. (windows 7 will run on 1GB, but slower!!)
The RAm suggesstion is a good one. RAM errors are sometimes hard to find. Either the amount of ram, or a bad stick could cause this. I've had RAM sticks that every ram testing program I know said was good, but when I replaced it with another, the computer suddenly behaved it self. Sometimes it's adirty contact on the RAM stick. Try a pencil eraser on it. (works more times than you might think!) I've read of people UPING the ram to 1 Gig to install Win 7, then dropping to BELOW 1 Gig to run. Theysay performance is not that bad. Nice to know.
I have TONS of ram lying around, I'll take out my 2 1 GB sticks and put in 4 512 mb sticks and see if it works. I ran memtest a few months/weeks ago and it came fine fyi.