Windows 8 windows 7 start menu power button

Nolan Roell

New Member
Jul 28, 2014
I have a computer running windows 7. I want to have the win vista shutdown button. I have 2 files enclosed. one is a win 7 start menu with a black circle around the power button. another is the win vista start menu with a red circle around that power button. I wish to have the win vista power button with the two selections (circled in red) except i have no idea how.i would like to know how to get the win vista one.


Those exact implementations are pretty integral to the menu system. You will probably need to compromise, like a different menu system that sort of emulates the features you want to keep but has the shut down icons you want, or leave the menu as it is and add the icons you want to the system tray. I'm not aware of any software that will let you customize the Win 7 menu in that way.
Those exact implementations are pretty integral to the menu system. You will probably need to compromise, like a different menu system that sort of emulates the features you want to keep but has the shut down icons you want, or leave the menu as it is and add the icons you want to the system tray. I'm not aware of any software that will let you customize the Win 7 menu in that way.
