Hi ftsk,
To test your RAM use this excellent utility: Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool
Please test only one stick at a time..
As for your graphics card, you could try this utility found here: Link Removed

I'd create a system restore point before you use it though just to be on the safe side.. Just tick the box marked Nvidia and it will remove all traces of your graphics driver.
I also recommend reading this: Link Removed
And this: Link Removed Although it was originally written for vista it still has relevance within the 7 os..
well both of the sticks of ram work fine, i've tried them once in every slot different ones in the slot one at a time in each slot etc. its only when they are paired up as 4gb then windows pauses at the windows starting screen.

@ Kem looking at driver sweeper now.
k..thanks for update...
@ Kem; Ran driver sweeper to remove the drivers. Ran the new driver setup. Restarted my computer right as it asked. Windows now sucessfully started (However only with 1 stick of ram). Logging in. Checking device manager. The display adapters show Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+ with no problems and the device is working properly. With the newest drivers installed.

Sweet! So now I have the good version of the graphics card, now its about the RAM. >.> Both sticks and slots are good.
What the hell? i restarted my computer, not eveninstalling anything, andnow as fast as it starts up the whole computer shuts down.. Im just about done.
Did you put the RAM back in?
Concerning the RAM, if you've never put them through a test to determine their validity I would do so now. Use the memtest link above and test one stick at a time. You only need to run the test for 20mins on each stick (longer is more desireable but you can 'get away' with just 20mins)..
I cant do that because now my computer shuts off 2 seconds after turning it on. I even tried taking out the graphics card, nothing. Throwing this computer out asap. Thanks for the (attempted) help guys, sorry it didnt all work out.

It sounds to me that you may have knocked something whilst fiddling with your pc. Go through all of your connections to see if anything has been knocked out of kilter.. Also how big is your PSU?
Don't give up! I am inclined to agree with Kemical sounds like a jumper or something got knocked loose check everything over again closely. When installing DIMMs it's very easy to bump things when you consider the amount and direction of force required to latch the clips.

Any abnormal beeping before shutdown? If it's shutting down that quickly I would think it's something failing the early stages of POST. Try to re seat your RAM check the connections on your video card and the 4 pin plug for CPU power (if present)
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Ok so I fixed the problem, the problem now is that I can only boot with 2 gigs not 4. For some reason I started it up with just 2 gigs and I got Blue Screen. I restarted it (with 2 gigs) and its working,. this was the reported error etc.

Files that help describe the problem:
How would I find those drivers? I have the motherboard book here, what would they be under?

I have downloaded and am running the Blue Screen View on windows seven. What am I looking for? I see the latest crash etc.