
Senior Member
Jan 31, 2009
I have used Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, 98, ME and 95.
Lets face it Microsoft have an almost impossible task to replace XP! For me XP is so good, it runs all my software, all my hardware, no problems. Vista will use most of my hardware but not software. Windows 7 wont run properly with some of the most important (to me) hardware, Creative sound card (works ok in Vista) WinFast DV2000H TV card, again worked ok in Vista. In Windows 7 it blue screens me. I thought one reason Vista was so hated was its incompatibility with hardware and software but Windows 7 is much worse than Vista!! So apart from the new interface, what is so good about Windows 7? It is supposed to be built on Vista, yet cant use most of its drivers, so whats going on?
I will continue to test 7 and will keep open mind until its full release but for me and many others Microsoft unwittingly produced the best operating system ever when XP was produced and will have the devils job trying to beat it if they can.
For overall use XP cant be beat!
I know its not what Microsoft and maybe most people here want to hear but XP just cant be beat, Windows 7 I feel will go the same way as Vista, not because of its bloat but because of its incompatibility with existing hardware, which even Vista could work with.
As Windows 7 is still Beta, the discussion is premature. I am running 7 32 bit and 64 bit and already feel it is performing as well as XP. (I also echo doorules remark - I had no problems with Vista and prefer it to XP) All the software I have thrown at 7 has been installed without incident, and runs flawlessly. I have had no BSOD's since the early builds, except from my own "experiments"
You must also remember that XP is old. many software writers will be writing there updates and new programs for Windows 7. You will most probably find, in a couple of years, that you have the choice of staying with your old software and OS (No harm in that) or moving forward. This will also apply to new hardware.
Gotta jump in here. Windows Explorer has gone downhill terribly from Windows 2000 on to today. I am away from home right now and I forget the exact names of all the document folders that are present by default on my Vista computer or the Windows 7 computer. I am currently on a Gateway MX3416 laptop running Windows XP Media Center Edition. Under Documents and Settings (which is confusing and just plain wrong to lump together) I have 6 saved document folders by default: I have 1) Administrator, 2) All Users, 3) Default User, 4) Owner, 5) Owner Gateway, 6) OWNER~1~GAT. I realize that some of these are manufacturer installed folders, but they still cannot be removed. When I attempt to delete any one of these, I get a message that "this is a system folder and cannot be deleted". I have also added one additional folder named "Saved Documents". I have several sub-folders under "Saved Documents" for pictures, downloaded applications, printed documents, etc. If I forget to go through the click, click, click, click necessary to save my material to this "saved documents" folder, windows just seems to randomly throw it to any one of the 6 default folders. This is with XP.......Vista even screwed things up from there and I do not see yet that Windows 7 has made significant improvement. Yes, 7 is an improvement over Vista in this, and most other areas, but not a significant improvement. I am looking for improvement in this area AND in the ability to remove the multiuser capability (which is HUGE bloatware for anyone who is the sole user of their computer) before I will be an enthusiastic supporter of any new OS.

Radenight, don't you feel that now IS the time to make your preferences known? If we don't "scream and holler" about what we want and do NOT want in our ideal OS now, we will wind up with much less than would be possible. This is a beta release which means tell them what you like..........and even more importantly, what you don't like about it. Don't wait until the product goes on sale to the public to point out items that should have been "fixed". I realize that when I, and others, say, "I don't like this" or "This stinks", it sounds negative when it is really being productive because we must express our desires lest we just wind up with another Vista.

I would certainly hope that some supervisor at Microsoft is reminding their techs at every meeting to not take negative comments personally because one purpose of a beta is to learn what people do NOT like about it.
Not discussing the merits and demerits of Windows Explorer, John. It is a long time since I used XP, but with your particular objection, can you not hide most of those folders through Tools/View.?
XP pro..... tweaked like heck, plus stardock, fences and alienguise..... Hard to tell if I booted in LinuxMint Xfce or MS...... Just hoping that MS 7 can be tweaked as easily.
If you don't like Windows explorer there are a load of other file managers -- such as A23 etc etc.

I'm always amazed how people really have problems that actually don't exist --to a Linux user if one app si no good or you don't like it you look for another one.

You CAN do the same with Windows --most people never seem to realize this. OK the basic GUI you are stuck with but there are literally zillions of apps out there -- a lot of open source and freeware as well.



I think it's because some of these people that do nothing but complain about Windows (yet they still use it) just want to hear themselves whine... That and they really don't have problems with Windows, they'd rather just be part of a group that does nothing but bitch about Microsoft.. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I'd really like to see these people that whine and bitch and go on like 3 year olds make an OS like Windows and have it be anywhere near as solid as a Windows release when they released it.. I very much doubt many of them (some maybe could..) could pull it off at all.. Unfortunately it's one of those things that will just never go away..
I am going to jump in on this conversation now. First off, I want to second the statement that it is premature to compare XP and Seven. XP was just as incompatible at this time during their beta process. Obviously they fixed some of those problems. Microsoft will no doubt double check and triple and quadruple check everything to do with windows 7 before the release to ensure prime compatibility.

Second I have never had an issue navigating around windows explorer. In most cases it is more capable than previous versions. The folder structure of windows 7 is far superior to that of predecessors. They put the folders into more specific categories that make it easier for the end user to understand.

Yes john3347 now is the time to state your opinion. But you want to know something: Microsoft will listen to you more if you make your point professionally rather then wining about an issue. So state your point professionally and give support for why it should be include and microsoft will need a better answer than 15% of the people prefer the classic start menu to the new one. They want cold hard facts showing how people more efficiently utilize it. I believe Reghcker showed a good example earlier where he provide a picture of how he used the old fashioned search box to better utilize his system. Microsoft knows 15% prefer the old but they want cold hard facts rather than opinions.

I cant see in any manner how the new start menu takes up more screen realestate than the old one. Most people utilize the all programs folder to find their programs. The biggest complaint has been the fact that the menu keeps branching off into submenus taking up a lot of realestate. That is TRUE. Also alot of times when you get to the submenu you want your cursor goes off the menu and then you lose it and have to start over. They fixed both of those problems with the new start menu.

Please people dont keep comlaining and complaining and posting over and over again the same reason why things are better either the new way or old way. Provide Evidence like the attachments i have attached. All pictures were taken in a 1440 x 900 Screen resolution so compare.
Please people dont keep comlaining and complaining and posting over and over again the same reason why things are better either the new way or old way. Provide Evidence like the attachments i have attached. All pictures were taken in a 1440 x 900 Screen resolution so compare.

Very well put.....

Sorta like folks whining about the costs, ALL costs of using gas in their cars. Get a set of good shoes..... get a bike..... get an electric motor replacement..... get a horse..... get a mushing team of dogs..... Just get a grip and shut the f**k up....

"Jane you ignorant slut..." ......MS, Linux.... is just gas.......

I just use right click, most accessed files/apps show and then the major cats will open up to a max of one sub-cat.....

So, right click, roll-over movies, roll-over Hogans Heroes episode, right click open with VLC.... and enjoy some good 'ole humor...Both in MS or Linux.... I am just so dumb..... to learn any other way of driving around..... but it is quick...
The only thing I miss in the new start menu is the "run" option.
I know it's now located in the "programs>accessories" section, but it was more convient in the start menu.

You can pin anything you want to the start menu in cluding the run option. .
Will Win7 beat XP? Possibly.

Considering it's a Beta (Something a lot of people seem to be studiously ignoring when whining about Driver/Software/Hardware issues), then it is remarkably stable (And this is coming from someone who's preferred OS is of the Penguin based variety).

I have ran most of my usual programs and games, hardware (Windows XP/Vista drivers work for the most part just fine... my 802.11 driver, a Realtek 8187B chipset, works just fine with the .inf, .cat and .sys files from the Vista64 installation)., without a hitch. Speed is almost as good as XP. Considering in XP, i have the "classic" look (All eye candy off), and in 7 I haven't bothered disabling it yet, is amazing.

when I downloaded this Beta (Build 7000), I was expecting another Vista (Which I suspect in the future will be seen akin to WinME) debacle, but no...

M$ may well grab some market-share back from Disgruntled Intermediate and Pro IT users with this OS.

Pleasently impressed, and Will continue to multi-boot it with my usual *nix distro's, (Vitsta lasted 3 days before Nukage occurred)
You can pin anything you want to the start menu in cluding the run option. .

I've tried, but I can't pin the "Run" feature to either the start menu or task bar, the "pin to" options don't come up like they do on other programs. I've even tried making a shortcut onto the desktop, then dragging the icon into the task bar, but no dice.

Best I can do is create an icon and leave it on the desktop.

Win 7 in the beta state is better than both. Xp is dead so get over it. For those that seem to be having issue have you ever thought it might just be you or is it easier to blame win 7 because it's close to vista in terms of kernal etc I,ve hammered all os's and in my opinion win 7 in the condition its in is far more superior than any os at this stage of its life.
No argument about that...... agree 100% with you. Win 7 rocks..... but to say XP is dead.... is same as saying DOS & DOS programs are dead.... just different....
just like there is no doubt in my mind vista is better than xp and W7 is already as good as vista as a beta

I agree: some things are just much faster than in Xp. For example, Word 2007 took for ever to load in XP, but in Win7 I can't blink my eyes!!
The installation also wins by a landslide and my Epson printer driver was already installed, before it could finish the initialization!! Darn!

But lets be honest: Microsoft should have had this kind of Windows ready a decade ago. My first version was 2. something and when 3.0 came out: WOW! So MS can't count either:
after 3.0 came '95 (Win 4), '98 (Win 5), Millennium (Win 6), XP (Win 7), Vista (Win 8 !) and now instead of Win 9, we get Win 7! Does that mean they will pay us 2 versions worth of licenses?