
New Member
Sep 18, 2010
Hello, looking for some help with a couple of boot issues i'm having with my Windows 7 computer.

I had better start from the beginning:
This computer has 4 HDDs, 2x 1TB HDDs for storage, 2 for my seperate windows installations.

The first operating system was Windows XP and is currently installed to the Master HDD. I was messing around and mounted a .iso backup of my Windows XP setup disc to a virtual drive. I started the install from within XP and it rebooted my computer. Since I had the original Windows Recovery Console installed it gave me the option to complete the setup or boot into XP. I decided to boot into XP and now 1 year later windows XP setup is still there and is even the default option for the windows 7 boot menu. I can run the windows XP install whenever I reboot if I wish.

Problem 1. I want to wipe this setup from my HDD. Which may be simple since I also want to format my Master HDD so that I can swap the 2 HDD's order and have it serve as a backup hard drive.

Story (cont.):

My windows XP boot menu continues to offer me 3 options. Run windows XP/Run the Recovery Console/Run Windows XP setup. Life goes on and then Windows 7 comes out. I need to give it a whirl so I install it to my Slave HDD. Install goes off without a hitch and I am able to duel boot perfectly fine into XP or 7 using the windows 7 boot manager. The only minor issue is that when I reboot I am given 4 options: 1. Previous windows installation, 2. Windows 7, 3. Windows Recovery Console, 4. Windows XP setup (default option)

Problem 2:
Now, I am at the point where I want to get rid of my XP install and everything on that hard drive. The only problem is when I bump my Slave HDD with Windows 7 to first priority in the boot order, I can't get into the windows 7 boot manager. My system POSTs fine and then the RAID message flashes like normal (note RAID is hard disabled in the BIOS and is not enabled via any software), the RAID message also flashes when I enter the BIOS setup or before the Windows 7 boot manager loads. Then right when the boot manager should load it just hangs at a black screen with the key cursor flashing. There is no HDD activity, and the system could probably hang like that for 10 years with no effect.

If I set my Primary HDD back up to first in the boot order I get back to normal.

I want to wipe my Primary HDD clean. First though I need to be able to boot into my secondary HDD/Windows 7 OS before I can do this since currently I can only boot using the Primary HDD. The Windows XP Setup situation may be complicating the matter.


It seems like you're encountering boot issues due to the setup and configuration of your multiple hard drives with different operating systems. Let's break down the problems you are facing and provide possible solutions:
### Problem 1: Removing Windows XP Setup from Master HDD
To remove the Windows XP setup from your Master HDD and format it for use as a backup drive, follow these steps:
1. Backup Data: Before formatting the Master HDD, ensure you have backed up any important data.

2. Boot from Different Drive: You mentioned that you can only boot from the Primary HDD. To switch the boot order without affecting the current boot configuration, you might need to modify the boot settings in the BIOS. This will allow you to...
It seems like you're encountering boot issues due to the setup and configuration of your multiple hard drives with different operating systems. Let's break down the problems you are facing and provide possible solutions:
### Problem 1: Removing Windows XP Setup from Master HDD
To remove the Windows XP setup from your Master HDD and format it for use as a backup drive, follow these steps:
1. Backup Data: Before formatting the Master HDD, ensure you have backed up any important data.

2. Boot from Different Drive: You mentioned that you can only boot from the Primary HDD. To switch the boot order without affecting the current boot configuration, you might need to modify the boot settings in the BIOS. This will allow you to boot from your Windows 7 installation on the Slave HDD.

3. Format Master HDD: Once you can boot from the Slave HDD successfully, you can format the Master HDD from within Windows 7. This can be done using Disk Management in Windows 7.
### Problem 2: Removing Windows XP Install and Switching Boot Order
To remove the Windows XP installation and make the Windows 7 installation on the Slave HDD the primary boot option:
1. Backup Data: Ensure all important data on the Windows XP installation is backed up.

2. Modify Boot Order: In your BIOS settings, set the Slave HDD (where Windows 7 is installed) as the first boot option. This should allow you to access the Windows 7 boot manager.

3. Repair Windows 7 Boot: If changing the boot order doesn't work, you may need to repair the Windows 7 boot manager. You can do this using the Windows 7 installation disc and choosing the repair option.
### Additional Suggestions:
- Check Boot Settings: Ensure that the boot settings in the BIOS are correctly configured to boot from the Slave HDD where Windows 7 is installed.

- Use Boot Repair Tools: Tools like EasyBCD can help manage the Windows boot loader and configure dual-boot setups.
By following these steps, you should be able to remove the Windows XP installation, format the Master HDD, and make the Windows 7 installation on the Slave HDD the primary boot option. If you encounter any specific issues during these steps, feel free to provide more details for further assistance!
