
New Member
Sep 21, 2014
Hi Guys

Right I am not to sure whether this is a windows problem or a GPU problem however please let me know what you guys think. Whenever I am using an application that requires having a window open (e.g. Chrome or control panel) I will be using it for a couple of seconds/minutes and I can scroll fine and type fine on the window. However out of the blue the window will pop out of 'focus' (this is the only way I can describe it, it is where the bar at the top of the window goes a different colour and you cannot do anything on the window e.g. type or scroll until you click on the window again to put it back into 'focus') I need HELP as this problem is driving me insane!

Also I try to play games in full screen and they just pop out of full screen back to windows. However watching videos on youtube or a media player it doesnt happen. The only thing that does happen when watching videos is that the task bar may come on the top of the video at the bottom but nothing else.

Please help. Many Thanks!

When the window goes out of focus, where does the focus go? Are there any other windows open? Sometimes a running program will "grab" the focus when it wants to display something to the user.

For example the chrome window stays open but i just cant type or scroll.

I could be in mid sentence and then i wont be able to type anymore until I click on chrome again.

I have seen that it could be a program that needs updates but I cant seem to find any that do need any.

It's almost certainly another third party application or service, either running in the background or starting often.
You're probably going to have to do some serious diagnostics to determine the culprit.
I suggest using a Clean Boot for your version of Windows to sort it out.

I remember a few years ago there were certain types of USB drives which would require the focus and make it change.

I also remember one where the user was accidentally hitting a touch pad causing the change.

Maybe if you leave Task manager open and watch the CPU usage, you might catch something.

you can try using the following program to see if it will help identify the "focus" stealing culprit:
Thanks for that. If it works as advertised it could prove very helpful to the OP and others reading this thread both now and later.
Nice find.
