
I'm trying to create a filter for Windows 10 machines and apply to a background policy. I've tried

select * from Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version like "10.%" AND ProductType="1" AND OSArchitecture = "64-Bit"

but is not working. My teacher suggests using the build number? I've used WMI Explorer to pull the information from the Windows 10 machine. Teacher isn't being much of a help and anytime I google WMI filter for 10 I get the above results. Please help!
I'm not familiar with WMI explorer, but if I had to guess it adds quotes around the entire query so you may want to change all those double-quotes with single quotes. Otherwise the syntax looks correct. I ran it from powershell and it worked correctly

Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like '10.%' and producttype='1' and OSArchitecture='64-Bit'"