I have broken many rules in terms of computing and will probably continue to do so. For example on Windows computers you are not supposed to remove Internet Explorer web browser.Because if you do,Windows could stop working,but I have removed Internet Explorer and this has not effected my computer at all.
A few months ago I wrote of how I successfully managed to uninstall Internet Explorer 8 from both my Windows 7 laptops. Now I have removed Windows Media player also from my laptops both Windows 7. Windows Media player like IE cannot be uninstalled in updates or programs menu as it is not listed there. And there is no way to change this,so that it shows in the uninstall a program menu. So,the only way to remove Windows Media player is like removing Internet Explorer browser,and that is to delete the file in programs on,C/drive.
But there is one problem,because the Windows Media player program file is owned by Trusted Installer,it won't let you delete it. Unless you take ownership of the file and change it to your computer user name. Or use a tool called UNLOCKER,which unlocks and removes any kind of file.
I have got nothing against Windows Media player but I already have VLC Media Player,Gom Media player and Miro video player,which I use to download my own videos from the web and put onto my other sites. So I don't need what would be 4 video players on my Netbook. And what is the point in keeping Windows Media player when I am not using it. Windows Media player is a good player and it is very user friendly.And there are some media players that I have tried,KM player and Songbird and Quick Time,which are terrible. But Windows Media player has never given me any trouble,but it is just that I have got VLC player. Which does everything that Windows Media does but has some additional features and plays videos in wide screen and high definition.
So this is how I uninstalled Windows Media player and replaced it with VLC player as my default program. For Windows XP and Windows Vista it is Windows Media player 11 and for Windows 7 it is Windows Media player 12.
First of all you have to edit the Windows Media player file in programs which is on C/Drive so that you can delete it. If you delete the file this is another way to remove the program from you computer.So you can either take ownership of the file and change the ownership from trusted Installer to your name.Or,like I did use a tool called Unlocker which I downloaded from the Internet,to unlock the file and it will then delete the file when you restart your computer. After you have restarted your computer,the Windows Media program file will be in the recycle bin,which you just empty. And that is all there is to it. Now go to turn off Windows features and un tick Windows Media player from the box. This will turn off the program and true, although now Windows Media player is off your computer. Windows update may try to install it back on during the updates,so turning it off prevents this. Then you have to restart your computer again and some times Windows puts the Windows Media file back on your computer after you have turned it off as it updates what you have done. But if this happens,just delete the file again and now that it has been turned off Windows update will not try to install it again.
Now the good thing about Windows Media player is, that it is based on what I have read,not so tied up with Windows as Internet Explorer is. So you can now go one step further like I did and delete the Windows Media player registry keys. But do not do this if you do not know what you are doing in case you delete the wrong key as there are several programs,listed as Windows Media in the registry. But they are not the player some are network files and Windows photo viewer which you don't want to touch.
I deleted both the Internet Explorer and Windows Media player registry keys because I did not want Windows to install updates for both IE or Windows Media player back on my computer. As installing the update some times puts the program file back on and then I have had to delete it again. Which I don't want to do.
But having said that, now that I have removed both the Internet Explorer files and Windows Media player files from my computer,these programs will never work again on my computer. Not even if I download them,I just get blank files. So be warned,this method will permanently remove the program and you will not be able to install it again as Windows will not let you do it.
Now Windows media player is off of my computer and VLC player has taken over as my default player. I have a webcam so VLC plays those videos I make and save with it, and it plays all of the audo files and voice messages from Google Talk, and of course,video files. In short VLC player does all that Windows Media player used to do, when I had it, only better. VLC player is also listed and set in the default programs menu.
I chose VLC player as the replacement for Windows Media because it is most compatible with Windows. But if you do not want VLC player you can choose another media placer to replace Windows Media player instead.
I have 2 laptops both Netbooks and I have uninstalled Windows Media player from both of them. On one laptop I have got VLC player only as my replacement for Windows Media. And on the other one I have Gom Media player only instead of VLC player as Windows Media players replacement.
So if you do not want to replace Windows Media player with VLC player,you can use Gom Media player instead.Gom player like VLC is another media player that plays well with Windows and will list and set as the deault program and do all that Windows Media player did,just like VLC player does.
But if you are going to remove Windows Media player from your computer,you MUST have another player,such as VLC player or Gom player or other installed or you will not be able to play video or audio files.
So it IS possible to completely uninstall Windows Media player and replace it with anther player of your choice. And both my computers now have better media players than what they had before. It can be done. Andrea Borman.