Windows 8 You'll like this!!


Mar 25, 2006
I meant to mention this earlier. The menu one gets by Rt Clk @ the bottom-left... not only can you get that when @ Desktop but, also, when @ Start or any other screen, even an App screen.

Whilst @ Desktop, Start is @ bottom-left & Apps @ top-left
But, @ Start, Desktop is @ bottom-left, Apps @ top-left
And when @ an App, Desktop is @ top-left & Start is @ bottom-left

You can, also, Search by beginning to type anywhere on the Start screen

This thing is so quick & easy & flexible to get around, man it's neat...really does get to be fun, quickly; ya just fly about & everything is 'right there', all the time while complimenting yet, not interfering w/ anything. Just gets better by the moment.


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Taking advantage of the few basic and extremely useful tips you provided above, I don't see why any user shouldn't be able to become accustomed to Windows 8. Especially the search tidbit. Thanks for posting them!

Also Drew, I think you've made it quite evident that you're fond of Windows 8. Did you know the Metro interface is inspired entirely by Windows Phone and Zune? If you haven't had the chance and are in the market for an upgrade soon, check out the Windows Phone 7 devices available at your carrier. I have a feeling you'd love it too ;)

Thanks for the reminder about speech, Mike! I'm going to test it out now.

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Yep, PDAs/mobile phones, tablets were a huge motivation to Win8 & 'Metro'. There will be more & more of such technology, in our culture, in the future. We've known for a long time traditional PCs, desktops & mice would soon be taillights-n-dust. I can see, not long, when a computer (screen will be flush-mounted on/in a desk or table surface & 100% Touch... for now & a good while to come, we can use both or either (Touch or mice)… or is that mouses?

Anyway, regarding your 1st sentence, you're welcome & yes, indeed, makes flying about Windows8 fast, easy, convenient, fun, pleasing, enjoyable & pleasant for anyone. And w/ less trouble or time. Glad to know you & hopefully others, too, find the info I provided beneficial.

Be sure you are seeing the latest, updated version of the Shortcuts & Nav Tips... pretty sure I amended it last night.
& I know I would like the new Windows phones... if, only I could afford to buy things



Now you sound like a kid on Christmas morning, and you were born on Dec 25th so it's a double good day!!!


Was a bit more like an Easter egg hunt than, Xmas. @ every turn over a couple of days discovering something new, neat & cool; 'til @ the end of the trail I found an OS fun, easy & fast to enjoy.

Plus, there was all involved the 2 days before that... started w/ installing Windows 8 twice on day 1; I'll come back to that...

Since mid-Sept I had the DP as a vm; no big deal, easy to kill that. Of course, I knew the Beta was coming. I was duel-booting W7 x86 & W7 x64 & the x86 had been put in 1st but, I had come to the point, long ago, where I never used it. I reckoned I'd toss it, prior to the Beta to give me a place to put the Beta & it would be non-virtual. So, of course, before I could wipe the x86 I had to move the boot. Then, wiped the x86 W7... finally ready & finally Feb. 29th arrives. Well, I had been awaiting my invitation from Connect to start Beta-testing, again, as I did for Vista & Win7 & get my .iso from there. The morning arrives & I, still, haven't seen my invite. Anyway, in my enthusiasm, like a right twit, I went & grabbed the 'public' ISO AND install it. THEN, I suddenly discover my invite from Connect but, I, already, have Win8 installed & reckon I'm fine. Wrong! Turns out I can't report Feedback to the Build Team via Connect cus IF, the ISO did not come from Connect, it's not support by Connect. So, I downloaded the ISO (again) from Connect, wiped the 1st installation & installed Windows8 (again) pheeeew. The next day was spent moving stuff over from the Win7 to the Win8. THAT, was followed by the 2 day Easter egg hunt. Oh & some time that it took to eventually, finally get the Send Feedback Tool we use to give our comments to MS. W/ Vista & Windows7 it was on the Desktop of our copies. No way could I see or find it, this time. I'm was, @ the onset, filling out great, long forms in Connect for each comment & saw, "Use this only if, you can't use the Send Feedback Tool"... well, yeah but, where is it?? Anon, I found it in Connect... had to be downloaded from there & installed, geeeesh.

Just thought you might get a kick out of the whole saga. I guess it has a happy ending cus for some reason I've stayed pretty much 100% in Windows8 for just about a full week, now. My Windows7 must be feeling so very neglected, lol


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