64 bit

  1. R

    Windows 7 BSOD Help Request

    Hello, I have a 4 month old HP Pavilion DV7 with windows 7 64 bit (latest updates installed 4/12/13). Today random/multiple audio streams started playing at startup, and after a few minutes the BSOD. Rebooted in safe mode, and ran malware which quarantined/removed what appears to be a virus...
  2. G

    Windows 7 Flash In The Pan

    Is there an adobe flash player 64 bit that i should be using? all other searches lead to a dead end, i keep getting popups about needing to install a flash player when i already got one, but i need a 64 bit
  3. W

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Permissions

    :mad: I just loaded Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. The problem is that it is telling me that I don't have permission to open some folders and/or files and when I select large icons they don't display the picture. Also when I try to click a link in my email I get a message that the operation has...
  4. Curious

    Windows 8 Windows Live Essentials 2011 and 2012 with Windows 8 64 Bits.

    Guys: Thanks for the attention to my problem. I have installed Windows 8 Pro 64 Bits in my Computer, an ASUS F3SC. The NVIDIA Driver is installed and working very well. The problem is when i install Windows Essentials 2011 or 2012, Windows Live Movie Maker does not work, giving the message in...
  5. B

    Windows 8 I can't load Spotify

    I had Spotify running then it stopped. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it wouldn't install. I set myself up as Administrator, uninstalled it, attempted to reinstall it and this is what I get: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Spotify.exe Application...
  6. G

    Windows 7 Can anyone recommend a powerful touch screen notebook / ultrabook?

    I'm trying to find a new notebook for software development, wanting a touchscrren so I can test touch apps. I've been digging around but not found anything which meets all my requirements yet. These are the kind of specs I'm after: Windows 8 (Pro preferable, but can upgrade after) 64 bit...
  7. R

    Windows 8 BSOD Drivers

    Hello, I'm using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit and it sometimes causes BSOD, especially when I scan devices in device manager. I attached the log file. Please help me. It's been going on for awhile now... Thank you.
  8. B

    Windows 7 Add a link on the left panel at the top of the Start menu

    Hi In Windows 7 SP1 64 bit, how do I add for all users a link on the left panel at the top of the Start menu? Thanks Bye
  9. C

    Windows 7 WLM 2012 Won't Open

    Did a fresh install of Windows 7 64 bit, IE10, and installed Windows Live Mail 2012. But each time I try to open it I receive the message that "Windows Essentials has stopped working." The details: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: wlstartup.exe Application...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Java Problem running IE9 in Win 7 64 bit

    Does anyone know how I can get rid of this error? I have scanned the web for so long for an answer that I finally realized I don't even understand the difference between Sun Java and Oracle Java nor do I know how to get rid of either and start over. Any help offered will be greatly...
  11. D

    Windows 8 Everything running 32 bit

    Im not sure why, but since I have upgraded to win 8, all of my programs are running in 32 bit that were previously running 64 bit on win 7. Any reasons for this? Link Removed
  12. M

    Windows 7 anybody try IE 10 for windows 7--It is now on windows update site. is worth upgrading to

    Has anybody tried internet explorer 10 It is now on windows update site. Is it any good, and how does compare to ie 9 and is IE 10 worth upgrading to. I hope it does not have the metro style that is in windows 8. is it 32 bit or 64 bit and does windows update install both I hope this the...
  13. I

    Windows 7 System_Service_Exception & Memory Management Errors On Win 7 64 Bit

    Hi guys i bought my laptop three months ago and it was working fine untill i got the bsod message couple of days ago. i have attached the minidump messages with this post. Link RemovedLink Removed
  14. D

    Windows 7 BSOD after opening mumble

    Hello OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 Processor Count: 4 RAM: 32680 Mb Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000, -1988 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 122001 MB, Free - 3716...
  15. P

    Windows 7 Error code 8024200D

    I have Windows 7 pro 64 bit. I installed the same OS on my other computer and had no troubles installing SP1. However; on this newest computer it will not install; It gives the error code 8024200D. Can anybody help me to solve this? Thanks in advance.
  16. S

    Windows 7 System Restore OFF

    I am unable to repair create windows restore point, I have attached few image. can any body please help me out. I use Windows 7 64Bite Thank you!!
  17. W

    Windows 7 Net.Framework 3.5 Advice

    I have a home built system with Windows 7 64 bit. I have Net Framework 1.1 and 4.5. Now I have a program that says it needs 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5. From what I have read on the 3.5 web page it will take care of from 2.0 to 3.5. I'm concerned because I did have 4.0 and there was an update to it that...
  18. A

    Windows 7 BSOD during most newer video games

    I've been getting repeated crashes on my l502x laptop whenever playing most video games, especially those that are a little more graphically intensive. Until recently I could play these no problem, but now after 15 minutes to an hour in the screen locks up, the sound turns into a drone, then I...
  19. W

    Windows 7 Problems With Wndows 7 64 bit

    I have had some strange problems. I had a Net Framework4.1 update that wouldn't install. I was told to install 4.5. That seemed to work. Print Shop 23.1 wouldn't install. It said that it needed Net Framework 1.1. When it tried to install 1.1 it just stalled. I tried to download 1.1 from...
  20. T

    Windows 7 Blue Screen after cleaning computer

    HI ! Yesterday I opened my computer and cleaned the inside because it was full of dust. After I started it I have gotten a Blue Screen Error quite alot (every 15-30 mins) This is not the first time I've cleaned the inside of this computer and have cleaned a few others too but nothing like that...