access permissions

  1. P

    Windows 7 How to find files+folders with access perm.not equal to owner?

    Assume I have a big directory tree. 1.) How can I find out all (non-inherited) access permissions of user unequal to the current owner? 2.) How can I find out all (non-inherited) access permissions of users which are unequal to "Administrators" and "peter'? 3.) How can I find out all...
  2. Z

    Windows 10 pw on network connect

    Hello I have two win8 computers and one ubuntu on a small lan. If i try to filebrowse from ubuntu to a shared drawer in any of my win8computers a login is required and i have no idea what username and pw i should use... I have tried my hotmail account and all other i could think of but i just...
  3. Windows 7 Login script not working

    I know this should probably go in the networking subforum but it's kinda deserted and I need an answer fast. I have a 2012 R2 server (alone) and a Win 7 station. My login script is very simple, it's only a few net use commands (net use :G /delete - net use :G \\Server\Folder). But right now...
  4. B

    Windows 7 Accessing the shared resource on the XP from Windows 7

    Accessing the shared resource on the XP from Windows 7 [new] HI I have two networked computers belonging to the same workgroup: one with Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit and the other with Windows XP Pro SP3. On the XP computer, I shared a folder allowing only the access to the Administrators...
  5. Windows 7 Cannot delete folders on a network drive from Windows 7

    Hello! I have a really strange problem. I am using Windows 7 Professional with SP1 installed. I have a My Book 500GB external hard drive connected to the network via Linksys E3000. Now in Windows 7 I am logged in as Admin. The network disk is configured in Linksys, that an admin group can r&w...
  6. K

    Windows 7 Windows Public Folder

    Hi, I am very in-experienced with the networking center of Windows 7. I turned on Public Folder sharing but I cannot get my client computer to connect to the Public Folder stored on the host computer. When I type in //(COMPUTER NAME HERE) it brings me a box with a message. The first few...
  7. J

    Windows 7 XP to W7 Wireless Network Problem

    Hi Guys, I have 3 Dell systems running Windows 7 Pro. One I use as a server. All 3 are networked via cat5 cable and working just fine. I have added an older Dell running XP Pro with a Wireless Adapter and the Windows 7 systems can see and access the xp system but the XP system can see the...
  8. P

    Windows 7 Duplicate Folders in Network

    Hi, I have a problem with my network folders for my dad's pc. His pc is what I primarily use to download software and such so I just network his folder so that I can gain access to downloaded files w/o going through other medias such as a flash drive etc. Problem is that when a file is recently...
  9. M

    Windows 7 Network problem

    Hello! I can't share files between my laptop and my desktop PC, but I can open and share files with an old computer with XP on the same network. I tried all that I can think off, troubleshooting network, trying homegroups, re installing Windows, router, share settings, I did a couple of fixes...
  10. S

    Windows 7 any way to lock diff partition

    windows 7 so i have 1 HDD but 2 partitions 1 for OS and programs 2 for songs, movies and other garbage now as admin, i can lock folders on partition 1 but for partition 2 (whole) i dont have anything to chose from only "Everyone" is on list and has full control but when i want to...