
  1. T

    Windows 7 "Digital Video Device" default "auto-play" issue

    Hey guys, I have the Adobe Creative Suite (CS4); I installed Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects only. I am having a huge problem right now. Whenever I plug my videocamera into the IEEE DV port and go to upload video to the computer, Adobe Premiere automatically starts for some reason...
  2. E

    Windows 7 I cannot Instal Photoshop?

    So guys. I was trying to instal Trial version of Photoshop CS4 and I got This **** Link Removed due to 404 Error Any ideas? have been searching everywhere. I know there is a post about this alredy but it does not show any fix. So halp By the way. Im on windows 7 86x bit Pelase help!
  3. A

    Windows 7 "Open With" box question

    Is there a way to get the 32bit version of Photoshop CS4 to load rather then the 64bit when you right click on an image file and select "Open with..Adobe Photoshop CS4"? I keep getting an application error with the 64bit version. I've tried to force it by "Open with..Choose default program"...
  4. Windows 7 Adminisrative privledges error message

    After installing the Win7 upgrade I had a problem opening up document shortcuts to various programs. In other words if I try to open a png file in Adobe Fireworks I get this error message: "Your user priviledges do not allow Fireworks to update your registry. Launch and Edit with Dreamweaver...
  5. Windows 7 Problem with Photoshop CS4: Drawing with pen

    Hey guys, i hope someone can help me. I have the problem that when i open photoshop and try to draw with a pen then there is always a short delay... i think its because the normal windows 7 tablet input helper still works when Im in photoshop... cause on every click on the drawing area there is...
  6. M

    Windows 7 PS CS4 Install Problem on W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Hi all. I tried to install ps cs4 maybe 30 times but i didn't. Previously, i installed it on XP x86 and Windows 7 x86 from same disc :mad: By the way, DW, Illustrator and Flash are installing and working perfectly. Error message is; Link Removed due to 404 Error i tried these ways...
  7. B

    Windows 7 Odd problem with Aero.

    This has gotten me baffled. I had installed the trial version of Adobe Flash CS4 the other day, restarted my computer and it caused my computer to become unable to start-up. I perform a system restore before I had installed it and all of the sudden Aero stopped being able to do anything but the...
  8. A

    Windows 7 Adobe Photoshop CS4

    Ok, Right i've got photoshop CS4 on my PC, wich has Windows 7. I can't run photoshop, it says photoshop has stopped running and then it closes it, I've never been able to run it, Help? I've also re-installed it, The same thing.
  9. R

    Windows 7 Trouble In Photoshop CS4

    Hello Trouble In Photoshop CS4 Windows 7 build 7100 Proved when Photoshop opens and closes the window :( Is there a solution :confused:
  10. B

    Windows 7 Photoshop problems NEED HELP ASAP!!!

    I can not install Photoshop on Windows 7 32bit. I have tried to install every one Photoshop 7, cs, cs1, cs2, cs3 and cs4. None will work. I have read just about everything I could find about this problem. I need Photoshop for my business and it is causing a real problem for me. I am ready to...
  11. J

    Windows 7 Photoshop CS4 why both 32 bit and 64 bit application starter ??

    Hi everyone I'm confused with Photoshop CS4. I installed this on W7 X-64. The menu gives 2 versions Photosho CS4 and Photoshop CS4 (64 bit). I know they are different since if I open and process a file in the 64 bit version and then close and open again I get a link to Open Recent (last few...
  12. M

    Windows 7 Flash CS3/CS4 not working.

    I've tried compatability modes and whatnot, and I know the files that I'm opening are not corrupt because they wrok fine on all of my other systems. Anyways, for most of my .fla files that I try to open (I think all of them have images/movieclips in their library) it says that the docfile has...
  13. P

    Windows 7 Error: Error 1603. Error 1310. Error writing to file:

    heya. So my work bought me the Adobe CS4 Master Collection yesterday (I'm a graphic designer and an IT dude) and I simply cannot install it. the installer will open just fine, but as soon as it starts installing from the DVDs, I get this error: "Suite Shared Configuration CS4 Error: Error 1603...
  14. J

    Windows 7 Clean Up.

    Hi Kyle Can't understand your post on Photoshop CS4 -- I installed the extended version without a hitch on both X-32 and X-64 systems --works like a DREAM compared with VISTA - I'm running this on a Laptop where I've chucked out the 2 X 1GB Ram cards and installed 2 X 2GB (4GB). Windows update...