default gateway

  1. vestalcry

    Windows 10 My WiFi needs to be constantly reset, any help?

    My PC doesn't actually have a NIC and therefore I bought a USB NIC. It's capable of handling 5GHz connections but I'm not sure if it's relevant to my issue. Anyway, the main issue is: My "default gateway" suddenly becomes unavailable after any amount of time. This ranges from 5 minutes, to even...
  2. R

    Windows 10 Is there any way to setup default gateway when vpn is active?

    Hello! When turn on the vpn, when navigate first is going throught vpn, instead my router... So, is there any way to setup default gateway my router when vpn is active?
  3. testinitout

    Windows 7 Windows Server 2019 . Default Gateway becoming unavailable?

    Hello, everyone. I'm building a virtual lab for fun and I'm running into some issues that I could use some help with. The Default Gateway to my Domain Controller keeps becoming unavailable within a server on the domain. It appears to drop when I try to access the internet from inside the...
  4. P

    Windows 10 Network issue in wifi

    Hi I need to assign an ip address automatically in wifi network of my windows pc to connect different wireless . but my PC is assigning constant default gateway even a change my network setting to DHCP. it make me to delete the default gateway manually each and every time when i need to...
  5. GeneralHiningII

    Windows 10 Intermittent loss of connection - default gateway cannot be detected

    Relevant devices: Killer e2200 NIC (I know, mistakes were made) MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard (Ditto) Current drivers are the up to date (15th Aug 2016) standard drivers found here - Link Removed I used to use the Killer Suite, it was buggy, so I moved to the drivers-only version (this was when I...
  6. R

    Windows 10 Network Routing Tables

    Hi everyone! I recently started using a VPN. However some websites block VPN ips so I can't visit them. To solve this problem I would like to add the blocked website's IP to my route table. It works fine on my other laptops but on my PC it doesn't seem to function. I ran the following command...
  7. mjh

    Windows 8 Please "Wifi adapter doesn't have valid IP configuration" Help needed. I'm lost

    Although connected to the wifi, the access to internet is limited (none). I have tried everything people suggest on the forums. I'm on Windows 8 (lenovo yoga notebook) when typing ipconfig it looks like this: Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local IPv6 Address...
  8. D

    Windows 8 Unrepairable TCP/IP?

    At first, some simplified introduction. I have two laptops, one with Windows 7 and another with Windows 8.1 connected via Ethernet. I gave the first one IP and to the second one. This connection is shown as Unidentified network on both of them. When I ping...
  9. S

    Windows 7 windows 8 wifi 'unidentified network' 'no internet connection'

    hello i recently unsuccessfully tried to connect to a friend's wifi and now my 2 favourite wireless devices do not connect. I cannot test with a cable as I have only a phone and dongle hotspot, but other devices connect to them fine. I attach my IP config as I've seen previously someone on here...
  10. N

    Windows 8 Daily " irql_not_less_or_equal " error and crash. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    I recently purchased a Razer Edge Pro. I constantly receive the error message irql_not_less_or_equal after a crash. I also receive error xodeaddead (or is it x0deaddead ?). Immediately preceding the crash, Bluetooth stops working and Wi-Fi terminates. I have upgraded the RAM and Wi-Fi card. Not...
  11. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 machines dont network over wireless connection!

    I've setup the basics, I.e: Ip address, default gateway, etc. But for the hell of me, it doesnt network! I cant see my desktop through my laptop and vice versa. Is it much different to network as it was from the XP days?
  12. News

    Default gateway is set to if you start a Windows Vista-based, Windows 7-based, Windows Serve

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  13. News

    Default gateway is set to if you start a Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based com

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  14. News

    Default gateway is set to if you start a Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based com

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  15. jecournoyer

    Windows 7 No Internet Access on One Laptop

    I'm not sure where my other post on this went to I'm going to write it again. I recently switched over to Xfinity internet and one of the laptops in the household is not connecting to it correctly. After deleting it from the router and adding it back, the new error message I receive from...
  16. georgewesker97

    Windows XP Connected but can't open anything in a browser

    So, when I try to connected to a public wireless network my computer starts "acquiring network address", and this is what the status says during connecting: Link Removed After that for a second it says Limited or no connectivity and then it says this: Link Removed When I try to open a page in a...
  17. News

    Default gateway is set to if you start a Windows 7-based or Windows Server 2008 R2-based com

    Fixes an issue in which the default gateway is set to on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. This issue occurs if you start the computer from an iSCSI boot device and the values in the default gateway setting in the... Link Removed
  18. B

    Windows 7 Internet Connection Sharing: No Internet Access

    internet connection sharing: No internet access!?I am trying to setup internet connection sharing between my laptop (Connected to WiFi) and my pc which has no wireless connection. I've spent a day or two troubleshooting problems such as 'LAN' doesn't have valid configuration and such, i found a...
  19. CharlieJeffy

    Windows 7 Unidentified Network

    Hi, I just installed a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit version. I Immediately got Marvell Yukon 32-bit Windows 7 drivers, so I could connect to the internet. Unfortunately, I didn't copy the IP address and all that, so I went on my sister's laptop and got it from there. Everything worked...
  20. J

    Windows 7 No Connectivity to a Public Network

    Greetings. I am having a problem connecting to the internet in a public library where all other laptop users are connecting successfully. The curious part of the connectivity issue (to me, anyway) is that according to my computer I AM connected to the network. I have provided some screen caps...