desktop settings

  1. BobDobalina

    Windows XP avi. Icon broken (it is a Ico.icon)

    Hello, I have a problem with the icons of avi files, that looks for me like the basic ico.icon when no file is associated. The file itself is associated to Media Player Classic and doubleclicking it starts also the file with Media Player Classic I tried deleting iconcache.db and changing the...
  2. N

    Windows 8 send to missing from context menu

    Hi, Sendto does not exixt in usualplace C:\Users\X\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo, In fact Apdada & the rest do not appear in Users at all ?? but, typing in Run "shell:sendto" the above are shown in the win Explorer top line & the send to items are listed in the right pane. Any...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Default to "sign in" screen after 5 minutes of inactivity??

    Hi, Windows 7. After 5 minutes or so the computer defaults to the sign in screen. I am running multiple computers exactly alike in my office, and all are fine except this one. I have gone to power settings and assigned 'never' turn off in all the appropriate places. As soon as I click on the...
  4. Y

    Windows 7 Corrupted user profile, help needed!! Wont let me copy files

    UPDATE Problem SOLVED...I dicovered that it was temporary internet files which were too long. Not that that fixed my problem, I was still unable to access my copied files in the new account I created, kept giving me an access denied message. So I decided to just do a system restore instead...
  5. M

    Windows 7 Error Message 0x8004231F - But I have enough memory allocated

    Hi there. I have an Asus G50VT-X1 I bought off of craigslist with a clean install of win 7 enterprise 64bit. Ive hadd it for about a month. It wont let me create a system restore point AT ALL which concerns me. It says i have insufficient storage space and I have run the applicable vssadmin...
  6. News

    Guided Help: Turn off the secure desktop in Windows 7

    Describes how to turn off the secure desktop in Windows 7. More...
  7. zvit

    Windows 7 "My Computer" Icon is missing from desktop

    Hey guys, I myself have a problem that sounds simple but I can't seem to figure out. The question is simple. The "My Computer" icon is missing from my desktop. It's also missing from the Administrator account and I can't get it show either on any new account that I create. I use here at home...
  8. A

    Windows 7 Resizing Desktop Icons

    Windows 7 lets you change desktop icons size the usual way from the 3 predefined sizes (Small, Medium, Large) Medium is the default size. 1. Right click on an free area of the desktop 2. Select View on the context menu 3. Select Small Icons (if you want them smaller than the default size) If...
  9. A

    Windows 7 Really need clarification! Need the nuts-bolts low-down on creating new user accounts in diff situat

    I am/have tried to create a new user account, specifically to take the place of a suspected corrupt user account (per MS Moderator posts re Excel not responding repeatedly when copying). I have looked around the web, MS support sites, and read posts all over a couple of forums and am trying to...
  10. J

    Windows 7 change home page user screen

    when i first bought my new computer installed with windows 7, the home page with the user logins was a cool black background. now it somehow changed to the blue green one with the flying leaves. why did this happen and can it be changed?
  11. jamos316

    Windows 7 display res

    i have just come over to windows 7 from xp. when i hadd xp i downloaded a batch file from the internet that someone created for xp users so they can set a different display res for each user. i made good use of this as i like to play movies in a 1920X1080 res whereas surfing the internet at...
  12. K

    Windows 7 Irritating desktop issue

    My PC crashed and when I restarted all my desktop shortcuts and folders don't show. When I right click I can still create files and just to make sure it was actually working I created a new folder, went to the location of the desktop folder and found that these newly created folders are...
  13. M

    Windows 7 Cant find simple answer to....

    saving NTUSER.DAT is easy, but how to restore it into current user account without restarting computer and having to create another account, login into that another account as administrator and copy file to that other account i am trying to restore NTUSER.DAT for ? There must be easier way to...
  14. A

    Windows Vista Win 7 Taskbar For Vista

    How to make Vista's taskbar look and act like Win 7's. This does not include or add "Pin To Taskbar Function" which is not really needed due to the "Quick Launch Feature" This is a regedit, so do so at your own risk and please back it up. 1. Open "Regedit" and navigate to...
  15. J

    Windows Vista vista "fit to desktop"

    i ditched xp and installed vista home preimium.. i have aero enable and enjoy all the great features.. only problem is that, unlike xp, there is no "fit to desktop" feature that i can find. none of my web pages fit the screen. does anyone know how to fix this?? with xp, you could just...